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自然景观是北海的一大亮点。著名的 银滩景区 是北海最知名的海滩之一,其柔细的白沙、清澈碧蓝的海水和椰林环绕的景色吸引着众多游客。在这里,游客可以进行沙滩运动、享受日光浴,或者简单地漫步在海边,感受大自然的宁静和美丽。

涠洲岛 是北海另一个著名的自然景点,被誉为“东方夏威夷”。岛上有壮丽的火山岩礁地貌和清澈见底的海水,以及独特的岛上风情。游客可以在这里尽情欣赏大海的浩渺与宁静,感受岛上纯朴的渔村风情,尽情享受远离城市喧嚣的宁静时光。

除了自然景观,北海还有许多充满魅力的人文景点。 北海银滩公园 是一个集海滩、游乐设施、休闲场地于一体的综合性公园,是家庭游玩的绝佳去处。此外, 北海凤凰岭公园 以其多姿多彩的奇石和壮丽的山水景色而闻名,是摄影爱好者的天堂。

在北海旅行,别忘了品尝当地的海鲜美食。 北海海鲜街 是北海的美食代表之一,这里聚集了各类新鲜的海鲜和地道的海南菜,让您的味蕾得到极大的满足。




Tourist attraction of travel of the North sea: Seek the beauty of Guangxi seaside

The North sea is located in south of Chinese Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, it is a city that has long history and rich coasting. Tourist attraction of travel of the North sea is numerous, include distinctive natural landscape, rich humanitarian tourist attraction and delicate seafood cate, attracting countless tourists to come round to seek the beauty of this seaside.

Natural landscape is the one large window of the North sea. FamousArea of silver-colored beach scene It is one of beach with the famousest the North sea, its are soft the seawater of fine Bai Sha, clear dark blue and the scenery that coconut forest surrounds are attracting numerous tourist. Here, the tourist can undertake the beach moves, enjoy sunbathe, simple perhaps ramble is in seaside, those who experience nature is halcyon with beauty.

Wei continent island It is the North sea another famous natural tourist attraction, be known as " east is Hawaiian " . There is gallant volcanic rock on the island landforms and clear the seawater that sees an end, and the amorous feelings on distinctive island. The grand insignificant that the tourist can be here to admire the sea to the top of one's bent and halcyon, experience the honest fishing village amorous feelings on the island, enjoy to the top of one's bent be far from the quiet time with blatant city.

Besides natural landscape, the North sea still has a lot of humanitarian tourist attractions that are full of glamour. Park of silver-colored beach of the North sea It is establishment of beach of a collect, You Le, recreational field the omnibus park at an organic whole, it is the superexcellent place to go of domestic amuse oneself. In addition, Park of mountain of phoenix of the North sea With its much appearance surprises colorfully stone is famed with gallant landscape scenery, it is the heaven of photography lover.

Travel in the North sea, did not forget to sample seafood cate of place. Market of seafood of the North sea It is one of cate delegates of the North sea, here collected of all kinds and fresh seafood and pure Hainan dish, the taste bud that lets you gets huge is satisfied.

Anyhow, rich and colorful of tourist attraction of travel of the North sea, not only and attractive natural landscape and history are humanitarian, still rich seafood beauty feeds those who waiting for you to seek. Come the North sea, you are met surely by its glamour place dump.

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