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全球最受欢迎的旅游景点Top 10英文双语对照


全球最受欢迎的旅游景点Top 10英文双语对照

1. 巴黎埃菲尔铁塔


2. 纽约自由女神像


3. 罗马斗兽场


4. 杜拜哈利法塔


5. 北京故宫


6. 开罗金字塔


7. 巴厘岛乌布


8. 巴西里约热内卢库里奇巴


9. 悉尼歌剧院


10. 东京银座购物区




1.Iron tower of Er of Parisian dust humble

Iron tower of Er of Parisian dust humble is one of the most welcome travel tourist attractions on the world. Its long history and the distinctive tourist that build a style to drawing global each district come round to go sightseeing.

2.New York the Statue of Liberty

Those who serve as the United States is indicative one of, new York the Statue of Liberty is the reachs surely ground that heads for new York travel. The tourist can enter the view scene stage of female God, look down at to the top of one's bent the beautiful scenery of Newyork city.

3.Rome fights animal field

The field fighting animal that is located in Italian Rome downtown is one of classic of ancient Rome, also be one of travel tourist attractions that historical value has most on the world. What the tourist can experience ancient Rome empire here is brilliant with grand.


As the top structure on the world, one of mark sex buildings that Halifada is Du Bai, also be global tourist's yearning ground. Enter view scene stage, the tourist is OK the gallant scenery of city of general view Du Bai.

5.Beijing the Imperial Palace

Build as the biggest palace on the world group, beijing the Imperial Palace is bearing the weight of China's long history and culture. Countless tourists are attracted, those who seek old China is brilliant.

6.Caire pyramid

The pyramid of Egypt group one of the most mysterious buildings on world be consideringed as. Bearing the weight of here the civilization of ancient Egypt and history, attracting a large number of tourist to come round to seek old mystery group.

7.Cling to cloth of li island black

Cling to the tourist that cloth of li island black is attracting world each district with its attractive natural scene and grumous culture atmosphere. Here has rich work of art and beautiful rice field landscape.

8.Brazilian Riode Janeiro Kulijiba

Kulijiba is a hill of Brazilian Riode Janeiro, famed with its flowery mural and gallant scenery. Those who learn this culture skill will collect the ground before attracting large quantities of tourists every year.

9.Sydney opern

Sydney opern is celebrated with the show of its distinctive modelling and world-class. The tourist Dou Meng that comes from world each district thinks saw with one's own eyes witnesses this to build miracle and artistic hall.

10.Tokyo is silver-colored a shopping area

Tokyo is silver-colored shopping area is one of the Asia's famousest shopping heaven, with its the brand mixes high-end vogue to buy object check and attracting numerous shopping lover of diversification.

Thank you to read the article, the journey that hopes seniority of this travel tourist attraction can be you plans to provide a few reference and help.

