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宠物连连看3.1 最新版本发布,玩法全面升级!英文双语对照


宠物连连看3.1 最新版本发布,玩法全面升级!英文双语对照


宠物连连看3.1 近日发布了全新版本,带来了更多精彩的游戏内容和全面升级的玩法,让玩家们再次沉浸在宠物连连看的乐趣中。


  • 全新关卡:新增多个精心设计的关卡,挑战性大大提升。
  • 全新宠物:引入了新的可爱宠物角色,增加了游戏的可玩性。
  • 全新玩法:升级了连连看玩法,增加了更多元素和特效,更加刺激好玩。
  • 全新道具:引入了多种新的道具,助你轻松通关。





Pet looks again and again 3.1: Brand-new version is released

Pet looks again and again 3.1 Released recently brand-new version, brought what content mixes more and wonderful game to upgrade in the round to play a way, in the fun that lets players be enmeshed in pet to look again and again again.

This upgrade to basically include the following fields:

  • Brand-new toll-gate: Add the toll-gate of many elaborate design newly, challenge sex promotes greatly.
  • Brand-new pet: Introduced new lovely pet role, raised sport can enjoy a sex.
  • Brand-new play a way: Upgraded to look again and again play a way, added more element and specially good effect, more exciting and amused.
  • Brand-new prop: Introduced a variety of new stage property, aid you to be connected easily close.

In addition, new version still was done in the light of game function optimize, let game move more fluent, at the same time repair before a few Bug in version, the stability that promoted sport and can enjoy a sex.

If you are the vermicelli made from bean starch that pet sees again and again, scarcely should miss this brand-new of version upgrade! Will quickly download newest version, with your young associate a free plays!

Acknowledgment is read! Hope above content can bring the comprehensive knowledge that sees 3.1 new version upgrade again and again to pet for you.
