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1. 熟悉相机按钮和功能


2. 设置合适的白平衡


3. 调整光圈和快门速度


4. 使用稳定器或三脚架


5. 利用对焦技巧


6. 拍摄RAW格式照片


7. 调整曝光补偿


8. 多角度拍摄


9. 注意景深和焦段


10. 后期处理与分享





Camera of Ni Kang number is photography lover and professional cameraman people one of commonly used equipment. But, want to take better picture, besides good material, you also need to master a few use skill. 10 when camera of Ni Kang number introduces for everybody below use skill, make you relaxed take better picture.

1.Be familiar with camera pushbutton and function

Before camera of number of use Ni Kang, want to understand all sorts of pushbutton of camera and function adequately above all. For example, the use of the function such as compensation of choice of shutter, mode, exposure can help you dominate the result of the photograph better.

2.Install appropriate Bai Pingheng

Bai Pingheng has very big effect to the colour effect of the photograph, because this wants to film according to what differ setting chooses likely Bai Pingheng pattern, wait like solar, cloudy day, incandescent lamp, will assure the colour accuracy of the photograph.

3.Adjust aperture and shutter rate

Aperture and shutter speed are the main factor that affects photograph light and shade and definition, reasonable adjust aperture and shutter speed to be able to let you film a picture that provides artistic touch and expressional power more.

4.Use stabilizer or tripod

Fall in low smooth requirement or film when distant view, use stabilizer or tripod can reduce camera rock effectively, enhance photograph definition, it is more important to filming night scene or slow door take a moment especially.

5.Use pair of anxious skill

Pair of anxious systems of camera of Ni Kang number are very flexible, master differ to be mixed to anxious mode the use skill to the focus, can help you take clearer, keener photograph detail.

6.Film RAW format photograph

If the condition allows, use RAW format to film as far as possible photograph. Compare JPEG pattern, RAW format can save more picture news, for later period processing offers more spaces and possibility.

7.Adjust exposure compensation

Some film setting falls, the automatic exposure of camera perhaps cannot satisfy your requirement, with respect to need at that time use exposure compensates a function, the effect of light and shade of fine tuning photograph.

8.Much angle films

Try different shooting angle and way of composition of a picture, go observe and be being recorded with different perspective, can increase more gout and expressional power for the photograph.

9.Notice depth of field is mixed anxious paragraph

Understanding depth of field and anxious paragraph of influence to photograph effect, express an intention according to filming the theme is mixed, the depth of field with right choice and anxious paragraph, the main body of outstanding photograph and picture administrative levels feel.

10.Later period processing and share

Finally, do not forget later period to handle a photograph. Pass reasonable clipping, mix colors and filter lens processing, can let originally average photograph coruscate new life, and share work give more people.

Hope afore-mentioned skill can help you use watch for an opportunity of Ni Kang number better, take the picture that provides artistic touch and expressional power more. Thank you read!
