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1. 营养均衡: 儿童的饮食需要包括蛋白质、碳水化合物、脂肪、维生素和矿物质等各种营养成分。因此,在选择健康食品时,要确保食品种类丰富,能够提供全面的营养。

2. 无添加剂: 人工添加剂会对儿童的健康造成潜在威胁,因此要选择无添加剂的食品,避免对儿童的身体造成不良影响。

3. 安全可靠: 选择有资质、有信誉的品牌,确保食品的安全性和可靠性。

4. 根据年龄段选择: 儿童的营养需求随着年龄的增长而有所变化,因此要根据儿童的年龄段选择适合的健康食品。






The importance of children health food

As social development, children health problem gets attention fully. Food serves as healthy main component, the healthy food that chooses to suit children is attached most importance to especially should. Children is in grow development period, healthy food can satisfy his to grow not only the nutrition that development place needs, still can develop good dietary habit, grow to health the action with a crucial move.

How to choose to suit the healthy food of children?

1.Nutrition is balanced: The food of children needs to include protein, carbohydrate, adipose, vitamin and mineral wait for all sorts of nutrition composition. Accordingly, when choosing healthy food, want to ensure food sort is rich, can provide comprehensive nourishment.

2.Without additive: Artificial additive can cause potential menace to the health of children, because this wants to choose not to have the food of additive, avoid to cause undesirable effect to the body of children.

3.On the safe side: The choice has the aptitude, brand that has reputation, ensure the security of food and dependability.

4.According to the age paragraph choice: The nutrient demand of children as the growth of the age change somewhat, because this wants the age according to children paragraph the healthy food that the choice suits.

How does children health food act as agent?

Food representative regards children health as a burgeoning industry, market potential is tremendous. Adopt provision of acting children health, can provide high grade healthy food for children not only, the nourishment that still can provide major for the parent seeks advice. But when food of acting children health, need notices to choose to have the supplier of aptitude, assure the quality of the product and security. In the meantime, also need to strengthen the study of pair of children nutrition knowledge, provide more professional advisory service for the client.


The healthy food that chooses to suit children is crucial, the growth that it is affecting children development and health grow. And representative of children health food is industry of a potential, can provide more healthy choices and nutrient knowledge for children and parent. Hope the content of the article can be helped somewhat to you, thank you read!
