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  • 成都: 有大熊猫繁育基地、宽窄巷子、锦里古街等景点,以及诸多美食体验。
  • 九寨沟: 以彩色湖泊、瀑布和原始森林而闻名,是摄影爱好者的天堂。
  • 峨眉山: 是佛教名山,以金顶、乐山大佛、万年寺等景点吸引着无数信徒和游客。
  • 都江堰: 被誉为世界文化遗产,拥有悠久的历史和雄伟的水利工程。







Sichuan travel setting

Sichuan province is located in Chinese southwest ministry, it is a place that has long history and substantial travel resource. Arrive from Chengdu Campagna plain on the west downy, sichuan has the ethical amorous feelings of grand natural scene, rich and colorful and delicate plain dish cate.

Optimal journey time

Sichuan belongs to semi-tropical monsoon climate, summertime air temperature is comfortable, it is the optimal time of travel. And the tourist attraction of high height above sea level such as channel of 9 stockaded village is given priority to with the summer, kept away from monsoon and big mist weather.

Traffic guideline

Chengdu is the traffic hub of Sichuan, have Chengdu double shed International Airport and Chengdu railway station. In addition, sichuan has many freeway and plain Tibet highway. The tourist can choose plane, train and drive oneself wait for a variety of means to enter Sichuan.

Popular tourist attraction is recommended

  • Chengdu: Have alley of base of giant panda breed, size child, bright and beautiful in the tourist attraction such as ancient street, and experience of a lot of cate.
  • Channel of 9 stockaded village: With color laky, chute is famed with virgin forest, it is the heaven of photography lover.
  • Hill of high mountain eyebrow: It is Buddhist name hill, attracting countless believer and tourist with the tourist attraction such as temple of Jin Ding, happy Shandafo, all ages.
  • Jiang Yan: Be known as world culture bequest, have long history and grand water conservancy project.

Cate is recommended

The cate that will to Sichuan cannot miss includes: Chaffy dish, hemp is hot lung of very hot, husband and wife piece, head of acerbity hot pink, hare and pickle, each have distinguishing feature, taste is grumous.


Sichuan relief is complex, be on guard downy reaction, head for the high height above sea level such as hill of eyebrow of channel of 9 stockaded village, high mountain especially the tourist of the tourist attraction; Should notice to prevent at the same time bask in and prevent heatstroke.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece Sichuan travel strategy, the travel of the Sichuan that hopes to be able to be you provides a help, let you appreciate this fair land better.

