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Xi'an city teachs bureau overview

Bureau of Xi'an city education is to be in charge of planning as a whole, the administration that coordinates this city to teach the job, be in charge of making and implement educational policy and program, promote educational system reform, stimulative education is balanced develop. Regard education as the branch of administration, bureau of Xi'an city education is advancing education it is fairness of modern, stimulative education, important to raise the respect such as educational quality to be being developed action.

Educational natural resources distributings

Bureau of Xi'an city education is in charge of supervising and urge whole town is various and of all kinds the school is reasonable layout, ensure educational natural resources balances configuration. Spend thick and fast according to population, the element such as economic progress state of affairs, sound program school is built, drive natural resources of high grade education to sink to basic level, satisfy the basic education requirement of people.

Education develops a program

Bureau of Xi'an city education combines this city actual, make education develop a program, put forward to improve education condition, strengthen pedagogic team construction, stimulative obligation to teach the development target such as balanced development, drive education of preschool education, foundation, profession education and higher education to develop in the round, aid force to teach modernization.

Teach reform and innovation

Bureau of Xi'an city education devotes oneself to to push reform of educational system mechanism, explore innovation education mode and educational management way, guide the school to get used to social demand, education to get used to the talented person that future recruits, development of stimulative education connotation and quality promote.

Educational bureau cooperates external

Bureau of Xi'an city education begins the cooperative communication with orgnaization of domestic and international education actively, introduce international advanced education concept and educational natural resources, stimulative this locality teachs internationalization course, level of promotion education education and managerial character.

Thank you to read the article, understanding Xi'an city teachs the function of the bureau and action, hope the article can think you understand bureau of Xi'an city education to provide a help deep.
