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你可能经常听到K12教育这个词,但是它到底是什么意思呢?K12教育是指从幼儿园(Kindergarten)到12年级(12th grade)的完整教育体系。在这个文章中,我们将深入探讨K12教育的定义、特点和意义。




全面性: K12教育覆盖了学前教育到高中教育的所有阶段,注重学生全面发展,不仅包括学术能力的培养,也注重学生的兴趣爱好和个性特点的培养。

个性化教学: K12教育倡导个性化教学,注重满足每个学生的学习需求,鼓励学生根据自身特点选择适合的学习方式和课程。

终身学习: K12教育的目标不仅是为学生提供知识和技能,更是培养学生的终身学习能力,让他们具备持续学习的意识和能力,适应社会的发展和变化。






You often may hear K12 to teach this poetry, but what meaning is it after all? K12 education is to point to from nursery school (Kindergarten) to 12 grade (12th Grade) complete education system. In this article, we discuss development the definition that K12 teachs, characteristic and meaning.

What is K12 education?

Be in the United States, k12 education enclothed children to enter nursery school from about 5 years old, all education phase before graduating to 18 years old of high school all the time. This one system aims to provide comprehensive education for the student, the university study that did not come for them or professional career ready-made.

The characteristic that K12 teachs

Comprehensive sex: K12 education covered all phase that preschool education teachs to high school, pay attention to a student to develop in the round, include the education of academic ability not only, also pay attention to the education of interest interest of the student and individual character characteristic.

Personalized education: K12 education advocates personalized education, pay attention to the study requirement that satisfies every student, encourage a student to choose the study pattern that fit and course according to oneself characteristic.

Lifelong study: The target that K12 teachs is to be a student to provide knowledge and technical ability not only, it is the lifelong study ability that develops a student more, let them have the consciousness that learns continuously and capacity, get used to social development and change.

The meaning that K12 teachs

K12 education provided vast growing space for the student, be helpful for them developing in the round. Adopt K12 education, the student gained knowledge not only in learning a process, still fostered start work the ability, ability of each respect such as logistic thinking, communication ability, these development that are future laid solid foundation.

Anyhow, k12 education is to let while the student is accepting comprehensive education, the study interest that develops them and future expand the capacity of a need, meet prospective challenge better thereby.

Thank you to read article rule, the hope passed this article to have more thorough knowledge to K12 education.

