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  • 全面保障:中国太平儿童健康险覆盖范围广,包括但不限于意外医疗、重大疾病保障等多方面的保障内容,确保孩子在面临意外伤害或重大疾病时能得到及时有效的医疗救助。
  • 健康管理:除了保险理赔服务外,中国太平还提供健康管理服务,包括定期健康体检、健康咨询等,帮助家长全面了解孩子的健康状况,及时发现和预防潜在健康风险。
  • 保费优惠:针对不同年龄段的儿童,中国太平提供了灵活的保费优惠政策,让家长可以更加轻松地为孩子购买保险,享受到更多的保障。
  • 教育资金:部分产品还附带了教育金保障,确保即使父母意外,孩子的教育资金也能得到合理安排。




Risk of health of children of Chinese peace and tranquility

Health of children of Chinese peace and tranquility is Chinese peace and tranquility nearly one when insurance rolls out is the health with custom-built children only insurance product, aim to provide completely all-around, periodic healthy safeguard for the child, help strength their health grows.

As professional insurance brand, chinese peace and tranquility devotes oneself to to offer close insurance solution for the client all the time, and children health serves as among them main component nearly, have the following outstanding characteristics:

Crucial characteristic

  • Comprehensive safeguard: Health of children of Chinese peace and tranquility covers range nearly wide, include but not the safeguard content of the many sided such as safeguard of medical treatment of accident of be confined to, major disease, ensure the child can get seasonable and effective medical treatment deliverance when facing accident harm or major disease.
  • Health management: Besides service of insurance manage compensate, chinese peace and tranquility still offers health management to serve, include fixed and healthy check-up, health to seek advice etc, help parent knows healthy state of the child in the round, discover in time and prevent potential and healthy risk.
  • Insurance cost privilege: Be aimed at different age paragraph children, chinese peace and tranquility offerred policy of flexible insurance cost privilege, make the parent OK buy insurance easily for the child, enjoy more safeguard.
  • Educational capital: Partial product is accessary still educational gold safeguard, although parents is accidental,ensure, educational capital of the child also can get reasonable arrangement.

Of risk of health of children of Chinese peace and tranquility roll out, the healthy safeguard that means children will be more perfect, parents are OK also more those who put child of care of a person's mind grow. Those who serve as a family is important one, children deserve attention and protection most undoubtedly, and health of children of Chinese peace and tranquility is this just about nearly and be born.

Thank you to read the article, the relevant news that believes to know risk of health of children of Chinese peace and tranquility can help you know the healthy safeguard with how be offerred better for the child in the round more.

