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  • 关注家庭教育,减轻家庭压力
  • 加强学校心理健康教育
  • 提供心理咨询和支持服务
  • 关注社会心理支持体系建设












Mental health of children staying behind: Pay close attention to dot and help strategy

Children staying behind is the children that outside showing parents is in for a long time, ground Wu is versed in, because depart for a long time with parents, they are facing mental health problem. Be aimed at the mental health problem of children staying behind, pay close attention to the following respects to be able to help their health grow:

  • Pay close attention to domestic education, ease domestic pressure
  • Strengthen education of school mental health
  • Offer psychology to seek advice to serve with support
  • Attention society psychology supports a system build

Domestic education and mental health of children staying behind

The domestic education environment of children staying behind is far-reaching to its mental health. Domestic member needs to pay close attention to affection demand of the child, provide warm domestic environment. In addition, parents should wait for means and child to maintain connection through phone, network, strengthen close child communication, ease the psychological pressure that domestic depart brings.

The value that school mental health teachs

The school serves as the 2nd family of the child, ought to strengthen mental health education, help children staying behind establish active philosophy and human relation concept. School psychology coachs the psychology that the teacher wants to pay close attention to children staying behind changes, seasonable discovery and interpose psychology problem.

Psychology seeks advice and support a service

Offerring psychology to seek advice to serve with support is one of fundamental approaches that help children staying behind. Psychology of major of have the aid of coachs division and work person force, to stay behind children is offerred psychology coachs and support, help them establish healthy psychological concept.

Social psychology supports a system build

Besides family and school, the society also ought to strengthen the attention of mental health of pair of children staying behind. Build perfect social psychology to support a system, to stay behind children offers more opportunities and way, win necessary psychological support.

Through above attention is nodded and help strategy, we can help children staying behind answer mental health question better, help strength their health grows.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can increase more person to be opposite the attention of mental health of children staying behind, the healthy growing contribution that is them a love.

