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1. 无法开机: 如果您的索尼数码相机无法开机,首先检查电池是否已经充满电,尝试更换电池或充电后再次开机。如果问题依然存在,可能是由于相机内部的电路故障引起,建议送修专业维修中心进行维修。

2. 显示屏出现故障: 当索尼数码相机显示屏出现故障时,可以先尝试重启相机,有时候这一简单的操作就能解决问题。如果问题仍然存在,可能是显示屏线路出现问题,需要由专业维修人员更换故障部件。

3. 拍摄无法对焦: 拍摄时发现无法对焦,可以先将镜头上的灰尘清除,同时检查相机设置是否正确,比如对焦模式、拍摄距离等。如果以上操作无法解决问题,可能是由于镜头内部故障导致,建议送修专业维修中心进行维修。







Camera of Suo Ni number maintains a guideline

Get as what count code camera market army one of brands, Suo NiDigital camera is mixed because of its excellent performance film high qualitily the effect and accept consumer favour fully. However, even if high grade product also prevents occurrence breakdown hard. In be used daily, camera of Suo Ni number may encounter all sorts of problems, cannot switch on the mobile phone for instance, indication screen occurrence breakdown, film cannot be opposite anxious etc. So, when your Suo Ni digital camera appears when the problem, how should undertake maintaining? The article will introduce a few common breakdown and its means of settlement for you, help you solve the problem of camera of Suo Ni number quickly.

Common breakdown reachs a means of settlement

1.Cannot switch on the mobile phone: If camera of your Suo Ni number cannot switch on the mobile phone, check batteries to whether had filled report above all, the attempt changes batteries or after charging, switch on the mobile phone again. If the problem still is, because the circuit breakdown of camera interior is caused,the likelihood is, the proposal sends long major to maintain a center to undertake maintaining.

2.Indication screen occurrence breakdown: When occurrence breakdown of indication screen of camera of Suo Ni number, can try to restart first camera, occasionally this one simple operation can solve a problem. If the problem still is, the likelihood is occurrence problem of indication screen circuitry, need changes by professional maintenance technician breakdown component.

3.Film cannot be opposite anxious: The discovery when filming cannot is opposite anxious, the dirt that can get on camera lens first is cleared, examination camera setting is proper at the same time, be opposite for instance anxious mode, film the distance. If above handles inextricability issue, because breakdown of camera lens interior is brought about,the likelihood is, the proposal sends long major to maintain a center to undertake maintaining.

Major maintains a proposal

When facing trouble of camera of Suo Ni number, to avoid to be maintained because of proper motion and cause bigger loss, the proposal contacts Suo Ni accredit in time to maintain center or professional maintenance technician to undertake maintaining. Can ensure the problem gets be settlemented effectively so, the camera that protects you at the same time does not suffer further damage.

Camera of Suo Ni number regards high-end number as the product, internal composition is complex, because this needs special discretion when maintenance. If you do not have relevant maintenance experience, had better not tear open solution camera at will or change component, lest cause,cannot go against the attaint that turn.

Last word

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece the article that about Suo Ni digital camera maintains. The hope passes the content of the article, you can understand camera of Suo Ni number better common breakdown and its means of settlement, when encountering a problem can should be opposite leisurely more. If camera of your Suo Ni number appears breakdown, contact professional maintenance technician in time please, serve in order to obtain better maintenance. Wish you film happy!
