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1. 每天应保持饮水量在1500毫升以上,多喝白开水对身体健康有益。

2. 少吃刚煮熟的食物,因为刚煮熟的食物在内部细菌杀死之前是很容易受到污染的。

3. 吃水果前,最好用流水清洗,特别是那些需要削皮之类的水果,以免残留的农药对身体造成伤害。


1. 使用洗发水时,先把头发弄湿,然后将适量的洗发水均匀地涂抹在头发上,再用指腹按摩头部,这样能更好地起到清洁作用。

2. 穿衣搭配时,应该避免将两种格纹穿在一起,以免给人造成视觉上的混乱。

3. 若要减少袜子在洗衣机中的摩擦损耗,应该将袜子反过来放在洗衣网中。


1. 睡前少喝水,有助于避免夜间频繁起夜,影响睡眠质量。

2. 长时间玩手机应该注意适当的眼部保护,可以适时闭目做一些眼部按摩,避免眼睛疲劳。

3. 室内要保持空气流通,经常开窗通风,避免空气污染对健康造成不良影响。



It why understand little common sense of a few lives everyday is very important to why understand little common sense of a few lives everyday?

All sorts of little common sense were full of in the life, they look probably be like negligible, but the effect that can produce expect to be less than to our life however. Understand these little common sense to be able to improve our life quality not only, still can let us be in when encountering a problem can more easy ground is answered.

FoodXiaochang is known

1.Should maintain everyday water the quantity is in 1500 milliliter above, drink plain boiled water to be opposite more healthy beneficial.

2.Eat the food that just thoroughlied cook less, before be being killed because of the food interiorly bacterium that just thoroughlied cook, be polluted very easily.

3.Before draft fruit, had better clean with running water, especially those need husk the fruit of and so on, lest rudimental pesticide is right,the body causes harm.

DailyXiaochang is known

1.When use shampoo, wet the hair first, next right amount shampoo even ground daub is on the hair, reoccupy shows the abdomen massages the head, can have clean effect better so.

2.When clad collocation, should avoid to wear grain of two kinds of case together, lest cause the disorder on the vision to the person.

3.If want to reduce a sock the attrition loss in washing machine, should put the stocking in conversely wash clothes in the net.

HealthyXiaochang is known

1.Before sleeping drink water less, conduce to avoid nightly and frequent get up in the night to urinate, affect Morpheus quality.

2.Play a mobile phone for long to should notice proper eye ministry is protected, OK and timely shut eye to do a ministry a few times to massage, avoid eyestrain.

3.Indoor should maintain airiness, often open a window ventilated, avoid air pollution to cause undesirable effect to health.

Through daily understanding Xiaochang of a few lives is known, the life that can let us is more healthy, convenient, comfortable. The life that hopes these little common sense can be you brings a few helps, thank you read!

