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1. 良好的口腔卫生习惯: 教育孩子养成良好的刷牙习惯,使用适合年龄的牙刷和牙膏,定期带孩子去口腔保健医生那里做口腔护理。

2. 合理的饮食: 控制孩子的糖分摄入,饮食多样化,避免给孩子过多的含糖饮料和高糖食物。

3. 定期口腔检查: 尽早发现和治疗口腔问题,定期带孩子去口腔医生处进行口腔检查。







Children tooth is healthy: How to protect the child's tooth

Children tooth health gets parent attention fully all the time, dental health of the child is affecting their daily life not only, also concern their full-scale development. The important knowledge of health of tooth of a few concerned children will introduce for you below.

The growth of children tooth development

The growth of children tooth development begins from 6 months after be born commonly, arrive 12 years old or so about. 6-8 when year old, the child is met grow permanent teeth, the dental development that this period is a key period. Accordingly, the parent needs to pay close attention to and guide dental health care of the child correctly.

How to help the child protect dental health

1.Good oral cavity sanitation is used to: Educational child nurturance brushs his teeth goodly habit, use the tooth brush that suits the age and toothpaste, look after children regularly go doing oral cavity to nurse over there doctor of oral cavity health care.

2.Reasonable food: The candy cent that controls the child is absorbed, dietary diversification, avoid to cross the much beverage that contain sugar and food of high in syrup to the child.

3.Fixed oral cavity checks: Discover as early as possible and treat oral cavity problem, look after children regularly go to office of oral cavity doctor undertaking oral cavity is checked.

Prevent children tooth problem

The dental health problem of children basically includes tooth of eat by moth and periodontosis. The key that prevents tooth of eat by moth and periodontosis depends on prevent and nursing daily. The parent should guide the child to hold good dietary convention, progressively education child brushs his teeth independently, what also should pay attention to health care of child oral cavity at the same time is daily nurse the job.


Pay close attention to children tooth health, the care that needs the parent not only and guide, also need him child cooperate and consciousness. Pass correct guiding and care, can help the oral cavity sanitation with child good nurturance be used to, foster dental health consciousness as a child, for them dental health of future lays next good foundations.

Thank you to read the article, hope these knowledge can help the dental health that you pay close attention to better and protects the child.

