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Liaoning teachs press brief introduction

Liaoning teachs a press, it is a large publishing house that is engaged in technically teaching publication job, held water 1953, it is a country one class learning publishs an unit, also be enterprise of stress of industry of Liaoning province culture and Liaoning province state-owned culture enterprise.

Liaoning teachs the historical evolution of the press

The predecessor of Liaoning education press is " Liaoning people teachs a press " , establish initial stage to basically be engaged in common education, adult education and the teaching material that the profession teachs are written and publishing the job. As the changes of the times and educational system reform, liaoning education press grows gradually expand, perfect teaching material system ceaselessly, extend publication domain, formed those who cover higher education and education of preschool education, foundation, lifelong education is all-around publication pattern.

Liaoning teachs the product of the press and influence

The teaching material that Liaoning education press publishs, coach natural resources of book, education enclothed the school inside countrywide limits and educational orgnaization, provided important support for education and study. Reader of the composition that its publish, popular science also produced extensive effect in academia and reader.

Liaoning teachs the future of the press to develop

Face the development tide of digitlization, network, liaoning education press is increasing logarithm word to publish the extending of business and investment, drive education actively to publish the deepness confluence with new technology, aid force to teach informatization construction. In the meantime, the press still is driving international collaboration to publish, cross the respect such as condition cable business to undertake exploration, do one's best extends influence inside global limits.

Thank you to read the article, the history that hopes to be able to make you more thorough understand Liaoning to teach a press through the article and development existing state of affairs.

