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巴中美食排行榜 - 美食指南英文双语对照


巴中美食排行榜 - 美食指南英文双语对照



  • 巴中辣子鸡:地道的四川巴中风味美食,麻辣鲜香,令人垂涎欲滴。
  • 巴中烤鱼:以新鲜的巴中本地鱼类为主料,搭配独特的酱料和烹饪技巧,鲜美可口。
  • 巴中米粉:细腻爽滑的米粉配上浓浓的鸡汤,是巴中人的早餐首选。
  • 腊排骨:选用优质猪肋排经腌制、烟熏而成,入口香嫩多汁,回味无穷。
  • 巴中豆花米饭:软糯的豆花搭配米饭,清淡中带着丝丝甜香,营养美味。




Cling to in cate pop chart

Cling to in city is located in Sichuan the upperest, have distinctive geography and humanitarian landscape. Besides the scenery scenic spot, cling to in also famed with its rich cate culture. It is below cling to in the cate pop chart of city, recommend handpick pure cate for you.

  • Cling to in hot pepper chicken: Pure Sichuan cling to apoplectic flavour cate, hemp hot delicacy is sweet, lick one's chaps making a person.
  • Cling to in grilled fish: With fresh cling to in this locality fish is given priority to makings, tie-in and distinctive sauce makings and cooking skill, delicious and goluptious.
  • Cling to in ground rice: The ground rice that exquisite bright slips deserves to go up thick chicken broth, be cling to the breakfast first selection of go-between.
  • Dried meat chop: Choose platoon of costal region of high grade pig to be become via souse, sootiness, the entrance is sweet tender juicily, the aftertaste is boundless.
  • Ba Zhongdou spends rice: The beans of soft glutinous spends tie-in rice, delicate in taking filar silk sweet sweet, nutrition is delicate.

Besides above cate, cling to in still have a lot of other and delicate distinguishing feature fastfood the discovery that awaits you with cate dining-room. No matter be native or tourist, can be in cling to in the temptation that enjoys all sorts of cate to the top of one's bent.

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