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  • 周一:胸肌和三头肌。主要练习卧推、上斜卧推、俯卧撑等动作,每个动作做3-4组,每组8-12次。
  • 周二:背部和二头肌。主要练习硬拉、引体向上、哑铃划船等动作,每个动作做3-4组,每组8-12次。
  • 周三:休息。给身体充分的休息时间,让肌肉得到恢复。
  • 周四:肩部和手臂。主要练习哑铃推举、侧平举、杠铃弯举等动作,每个动作做3-4组,每组8-12次。
  • 周五:腿部。主要练习深蹲、腿举、弓步蹲等动作,每个动作做3-4组,每组8-12次。
  • 周六:有氧运动。进行跑步、游泳、骑行等有氧运动,每次持续30-45分钟。
  • 周日:休息。再次给身体充分的休息时间。









Want to have perfect figure? No matter be to add flesh model form to still decrease fat thin body, it is on gymnastical road, have a scientific and sound training the plan is crucial. The article introduced plan of a gymnastical model that makes perfect figure for the man only training for you, make you relaxed have healthy and handsome physique.

The preparation before fitness works

Before beginning fitness, need undertakes a few preparation work. Should ensure above all healthy, can choose to undertake check-up, ensure without healthy hidden trouble. Next, want to make reasonable gymnastical target, add muscle for example, decrease fat or model form. Finally, understand oneself body state and characteristic, have for instance wait without flexibility of athletic injury, body.

Train a plan

It is plan of the man fitness model of a week training below:

  • Zhou Yi: Chest muscle and triceps. Main exercise lies push, on inclined lie push, the movement such as push-up, every movement makes 3-4 group, every groups of 8-12 second.
  • Zhou Er: Back and 2 flesh. Main exercise is pulled forcedly, pull-up, dumbbell rows wait for a movement, every movement makes 3-4 group, every groups of 8-12 second.
  • Zhou San: Rest. Give the body sufficient breathing space, let muscle get resumptive.
  • Zhou Si: Humeral ministry and arm. Choose of main exercise dumbbell, side is smooth lift, barbell turn is lifted wait for a movement, every movement makes 3-4 group, every groups of 8-12 second.
  • Zhou Wu: Leg ministry. Main exercise crouchs greatly, the leg is lifted, Gong Bu crouchs wait for a movement, every movement makes 3-4 group, every groups of 8-12 second.
  • Saturday: Have oxygen campaign. Have run, swim, drive the movement having oxygen such as travel, last every time 30-45 minute.
  • Weekday: Rest. Give the body sufficient breathing space again.

Dietary proposal

In plan of gymnastical model training, food is likewise important. The proposal absorbs protein, carbohydrate and health everyday adipose, maintain food balanced, avoid excessive to absorb food of high quantity of heat, right amount absorb nut, fruit and vegetable.

Additional, drink water more, maintain body moisture equilibrium, conduce to reduce athletic loss, restore quickly.


Plan to suggest with food through afore-mentioned training, believe you can undertake gymnastical model training more scientificly, have perfect figure gradually. Remember, holding to ability is successful key, the life style that allows health makes the one part of the life.

Thank you to read the article, hope this training plans to be able to help you, let you march toward the body easily perfect condition.
