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如何打造个性穿搭 领略经典时尚之美英文双语对照


如何打造个性穿搭 领略经典时尚之美英文双语对照





  • 简约大方:经典时尚更注重服装的剪裁和版型,以简洁大方的设计著称。
  • 高品质:经典时尚注重面料和做工的品质,追求着高品质的穿着体验。
  • 耐看:经典时尚的设计不会因为时间的推移而过时,反而愈加经典和耐看。



  • 抓住经典:选择一些经典款式的单品,比如白衬衫、牛仔裤等,它们是打造个性穿搭的基础。
  • 加入时尚元素:可以在经典单品的基础上,加入一些时尚元素,比如流行的配饰、彰显个性的外套等。
  • 注重细节:细节决定成败,搭配过程中要注重细节,比如包包、鞋子等的选择都能为穿搭增色不少。





The definition of classical style

Classical and fashionableIt is to show those last long, no matter popular tide how alternate, still be mixed to pursue the dress that hold in both hands or style by people praise highly. They do not accept the restriction of time or district, occupy position in fashionable bound all the time.

The characteristic of classical style

Classical style has the following characteristic normally:

  • Contracted and easy: The clipping that classical style pays attention to dress more and edition, with concise and easy design celebrated.
  • High quality: Classical style pays attention to the character of fabrics and charge for the making of sth. , going after high quality dress to experience.
  • Be able to bear or endure look: The design of classical style won't because of the elapse of time outdated, instead all the more is classical and be able to bear or endure look.

Make individual character wear the secret of success that build

Should make individual character wear build, the key depends onAgile collocation. Can come true through the following respects:

  • Capture classical: The sheet that chooses a few classical style is tasted, for instance white shirt, jeans, they are to make individual character wear the base that build.
  • Add fashionable element: On the foundation that can taste in classical sheet, add a few fashionable elements, deserve popularly to act the role of for instance, the coat that reveals personality.
  • Pay attention to detail: Detail decides success or failure, detail should be paid attention to in tie-in process, the option that includes bag, shoe to wait for instance can be built to wear grace many.

The influence of classical style

Classical style is become classical, besides the design of dress itself, still be opposite because of them of people far-reaching. Classical style was reflected not only clad savour with accomplishment, it is a kind of pursuit to the United States and the expression to art more. They ceaselessly the creativity that incentive people produces him, portray a style that belongs to an individual.

Thank you to read the article, believe to pass the guidance of the article, you can understand better how to make individual character wear build, appreciate the beauty of classical style.
