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家居装修 | 打造时尚舒适的家居空间英文双语对照


家居装修 | 打造时尚舒适的家居空间英文双语对照

家居装修 | 打造时尚舒适的家居空间






家具选择: 时尚家居的家具多以简约、现代的设计风格为主,强调质感与功能性的结合,同时兼顾舒适性和美观性。

色彩搭配: 时尚家居色彩以明亮清新为主,常运用灰、白、黑等低饱和色调,也适当加入鲜艳的色彩作为点缀。

装饰品选购: 选择简约大气、线条流畅的装饰品,比如抽象雕塑、时尚画作等,以及自然元素或艺术品的运用,都能为家居增添一份文艺气息。







Household is decorated | Make fashionable and comfortable household vacuum

Fashionable household is decorated is the topic that attention gets fully in current society, as people life character rise ceaselessly, household is decorated had stayed in practical level merely no longer, became morely individual character is reflected with what savour. The article will introduce how to make the living vacuum with one fashionable and easy part through decorating a design for you.

The design concept of fashionable household

The design concept of fashionable household pays attention to individuation and diversity, pursue contracted, contemporary, high quality way of life. From color tie-in, furniture chooses to be put to adornment, hope body reveals master and distinctive aesthetic eye and character charm.

Of fashionable household decorate a point

The respect is decorated in household, of fashionable element introducing is crucial. Use contracted atmospheric color is, those who pay attention to line is fluent with the space use, make a fully bright household environment. Diversiform furniture is put and artistic illuminative is clever and tie-in, show delicate with savour.

Furniture choice: The furniture of fashionable household is much with contracted, contemporary design the style is given priority to, emphasize the couple of simple sense and functional sex, give attention to two or morethings is comfortable at the same time gender and beautiful sex.

Colour is tie-in: Fashionable household colour with bright and pure and fresh give priority to, often apply grey, white, black etc low saturation is tonal, also join bright-coloured colour to serve as an ornament appropriately.

Adornment choose and buy: Choose the adornment with contracted air, fluent line, for instance abstract sculpture, fashionable picture is made etc, and of natural element or artwork apply, can add a literary flavor for household.

What vogue lives in is practical think

Besides fashionable feeling, household is decorated need to consider to use setting actually more. Give attention to two or morethings is beautiful with practical, let fashionable household more accord with habits and customs, highlight the intimacy that character lives. Accordingly, in decorate need links the demand with individual lively opposite, use a function actually of mature life space, make a vogue that belongs to oneself live in a space.


Fashionable household is decorated is the pursuit of pair of household life character and promotion, what should have style already is aesthetic, want to consider effective life demand again, make hold a fashionable feeling concurrently already comfortable and economic household space. Hope the content of the article can be you to decorate a respect to offer a few beneficial inspiration and proposal in household.

Thank you to read this article, hope it can be you to be decorated in fashionable household on bring a few helps.
