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1. 如何轻松清洁微波炉


2. 妙用透明指甲油


3. 快速去除衣物皱褶


4. 花洒去除头屑


5. 餐具清洗小妙招


6. 电线整理方法


7. 热水清洗油烟机


8. 厨余利用方法


9. 衣物保鲜小窍门


10. 床单易折叠


11. 雨刮器清洁技巧


12. 冰镇速溶咖啡


13. 汽车清洁小技巧


14. 室内植物保养


15. 衣架增加空间


16. 车内异味处理


17. 刀具保养小妙招


18. 浴室玻璃清洁


19. 厨房抽屉整理


20. 蔬菜保鲜妙招




1.How relaxed and clean microwave oven

Mix with a bowl of water a few lemon juice or white vinegar, put into microwave oven to heat a few minutes, wipe microwave oven wall with wet cloth next, smudgy can wipe easily clean.

2.Magical function is transparent fingernail is oily

Do you know transparent fingernail oil still can be used secure the screw that become loose or maintain alveolus? It still can form a diaphragm in ironwork surface, prevent to rust.

3.Ruffle of fast purify clothings

Ice cube and clothing and other articles of daily use are joined in dryer, drying of use high temperature a few minutes, the ruffle of clothings is met rapid and flabby.

4.The flower asperses purify scurf

With clean cream or lemon juice cleanness the flower is aspersed, but effective purify scurf, ensure the current when shower is expedite.

5.Tableware cleans small subtle move

If guest pays a visit, but tableware cleanness is not seasonable, can immerse its to join sodium bicarbonate and salt in Wen Shuizhong, bilge of relaxed purify remain.

6.Electrical wiring arranges a method

Use sucking disk or plunge into belt general electrical wiring to be secured trimly go up in table or wall, not only neat and beautiful, return the safe hidden trouble that can avoid random cord to cause.

7.Hot water washs lampblack machine

Spray with hot water and solution of compound of the essence that wash clean in lampblack machine surface, place wipe with wet cloth in a few minutes, smeary can relaxed purify.

8.Hutch beyond uses a method

The remains of vegetables of cortical, fruit that feeds capable person, can use the compost that make, accomplish hutch beyond resource easily to change use.

9.Clothings lasts small doohickey

Fold in shirt and trousers when putting, can spray on crease amylaceous water, can maintain clothings crease neat.

10.Sheet Yi She is folded

Before the sheet is received, will sheet and had been folded together by the cover, facilitate when be being used next time, be taken out directly. Still can accelerate with toilet soap at the same time receive a process.

11.Rain is blown implement clean skill

With alcohol and cotton cloth cleanness rain is blown implement balata, the water be soiled of blind angle of OK and effective purify and lengthen rain to blow implement service life.

12.Iced fast dissolve coffee

Put fast dissolve coffee the Cheng Bing that make piece, can maintain glacial coffee mouthfeel, can avoid beverage to become rare again.

13.Car cleanness little skill

When cleansing automobile body, the object that consumed slips (like polybag) hold rag, can avoid to tick off a sand and dust to cause car lacquer cut.

14.Houseplant maintains

Make plant fertilizer with charcoal and tea broken bits, OK and improved soil texture, stimulative plant grows.

15.Clothes tree adds a space

Straw is crossed on clothes tree, hang horizontal stroke of another clothes tree next, the space of the dress can be hanged below the province, return the dress that can avoid extruding to be folded together.

16.The peculiar smell inside the car is handled

Desiccative or coffee grounds are placed to be able to reduce peculiar smell effectively inside the car.

17.Cutting tool maintains small subtle move

With olive oil or edible oil thin thin daub is in cutting tool surface, can prevent to rust and be corroded.

18.Bathroom glass is clean

Wipe bathroom glass with lemon juice, the wet cloth with clean reoccupy is wiped, can let glass look brand-new.

19.Kitchen drawer is arranged

The box that use paper makes simple and easy secondary floor, can arrange kitchen drawer effectively, raise benefit to use a space.

20.Vegetable lasts subtle move

After will abluent vegetable laps with kitchen paper towel, put last bag, can lengthen vegetable last period.

Acknowledgment reads the article, these 20 little skill can help you improve the life, make the life more relaxed. Hope to be helped somewhat to you!

