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1. 材质选择:优质美式木地板通常采用橡木、枫木、柚木等硬度高、稳定性好的木材。

2. 表面处理:可根据个人喜好选择光面、哑光或手工刮痕等不同处理方式,以及不同的色系和纹理。

3. 环保标识:选购时注意环保标识,确保所购买的木地板符合环保标准。


  1. 地面检查:确保地面平整、干燥,并处理好潮湿、裂缝等问题。
  2. 铺设底层:铺设防潮膜,隔绝地面水汽。
  3. 铺设地板:从房间中心开始铺设,依照木地板纹理和长度进行拼接。
  4. 修边处理:对地板边缘进行修剪与处理,保持整洁美观。


1. 定期清扫:使用软毛扫把或干湿拖把进行清扫,避免使用过多水洗。

2. 防潮防晒:注意保持室内通风,避免长时间阳光直射,并注意防潮措施。

3. 定期打蜡护理:根据地板使用情况,定期进行打蜡护理,延长地板使用寿命。



The characteristic of floor of beautiful type wood

Floor of beautiful type wood, call hardwood the floor again, it is a kind of classical flooring, its unique part is being made at using natural wood, bring the tactility of cozy nature to the person.

Guideline of choose and buy

1.Material chooses character: Floor of wood of type of high grade beauty uses the hardness such as oak, maple, teak normally the lumber with tall, good stability.

2.Finishing: Can choose the different processing way such as smooth face, dumb light or manual scratch according to individual be fond of, and different lubricious department and grain.

3.Environmental protection marks: Notice environmental protection marks when the choose and buy, ensure buys wooden floor board accords with environmental protection standard.

Install measure

  1. Ground examination: Ensure ground level, dry, handle the issue such as good moisture, break.
  2. Laid ground floor: Laid prevents wet film, isolation ground lunt.
  3. Laid floor: Begin laid from room center, grain of floor of according to wood and length undertake joining together.
  4. Repair edge processing: Undertake clip and processing to floor brim, keep neat and beautiful.

Daily attention

1.Sweep regularly: Use down broom or dry wet mop undertake sweeping, avoid to use overmuch bath.

2.Moistureproof prevent bask in: The attention keeps indoor and ventilated, avoid long sunshine is point-blank, note moistureproof step.

3.Wax regularly nurse: Use a case according to the floor, undertake waxing nursing regularly, prolong floor service life.

Acknowledgment reads chrestomathy piece floor of beautiful type wood is complete strategy, the hope is mixed to your choice, laid maintain floor of beautiful type wood is helped somewhat.

