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  • 由于玉龙雪山海拔较高,游客需防晒、备好保暖衣物,以防高山反应。
  • 香格里拉高原紫外线较强,游客需要做好防晒工作。
  • 游览途中可以选择骑马,但需注意安全,听从马夫指挥。
  • 进入景区需购买门票,注意保管好门票,避免遗失。



Jade dragon snow mountain: Strong region of beautiful high mountain snow

Jade dragon snow mountain is located in Chinese Yunnan to save churchyard of beautiful river city, it is the one part of traverse mountain range, top height above sea level 5596 meters. Here mountain peak is abrupt, glacier hangs down dangerous, be known as " Asia most south high mountain " , " hill of snow region god " , because its hill situation is arduous, cascade of ridges and peaks, on the way scenery too many beautiful things and become travel famous scenic spot.

Optimal journey time

Climate of high mountain of jade dragon snow mountain is apparent, all the year round air temperature change is big. Optimal journey time is annual came in April October, climate of this paragraph of time is friendly, travel aptly. And snow mountain of dragon of the jade when winter all the year round firn, do not suit travel.

Traffic guideline

Head for jade dragon snow mountain, can set out from beautiful river urban district, take the travel bus that heads for beauty spot of jade dragon snow mountain. Additional, also can choose to take cableway telpher, whole journey makes an appointment with 20 minutes, can appreciate different view, but need to notice reaction to high altitudes.

Travel note

  • Because height above sea level of jade dragon snow mountain is higher, the tourist needs to prevent bask in, clothings of equipment good heat preservation, in case reaction to high altitudes.
  • Ultraviolet ray of highland of sweet case lira is stronger, the tourist needs to had been done prevent bask in the job.
  • In visitting road, can choose equestrian, but need to notice safety, comply with footman direct.
  • Enter scene area to need to buy entrance ticket, notice custodial good entrance ticket, avoid to lose.

Jade dragon snow mountain with its strong seek by inquiry comes before beautiful natural scene is attracting countless tourists, the journey that hopes this strategy can be you provides a few helps. Thank you to read this article, the hope can think your journey brings a few helps.

