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Education is ultimate a major programme of lasting importance of the country, and educational level of the teacher matters to a student directly grow and national future. Accordingly, the construction that teacher of nursery school of Henan province middle and primary school continues to teach administrative system and perfect appear particularly important.

The importance that the teacher continues to teach

The teacher continues to teach is to point to postscript of pedagogic qualification card is obtained in the teacher, learn through attending attend in a advanced studies, take a refresher course, read study, listen to the form such as lecture report, increase oneself educational education capacity ceaselessly, increase the activity of a kind of study that teachs education level. Continue to teach conduce to a teacher updating education concept, learn advanced educational concept and skill, increase oneself quality and capacity, maintain its vigor and creativity.

Especially to teacher of nursery school of middle and primary school, continueing to teach is indispensable more. They need to study method of new education concept, teaching ceaselessly, follow closely teachs the footstep of development, provide better educational service for the student.

Henan saves teacher of nursery school of middle and primary school to continue to teach the current situation

However, teacher of nursery school of middle and primary school of current Henan province continues to teach still face a lot of challenge. Include pedagogic oneself record of formal schooling, education resource scarcity, share enthusiasm not advanced problem.

In respect of pedagogic oneself record of formal schooling, the level of record of formal schooling of teacher of nursery school of a few middle and primary school is finite, intellectual structure is opposite lag, need further study to rise.

Teaching resource scarcity also is one restricts an element, for example the teacher attends groom the time of need and monetary cost are high, and groom natural resources is not quite substantial.

Additional, a few teachers lack enough understanding to continueing to teach, enthusiasm is not tall. They need more guiding with drive.

Henan saves teacher of nursery school of middle and primary school to continue to teach the construction that runs a system

Be aimed at above problem, henan province should strengthen teacher of nursery school of middle and primary school to continue to teach the construction that runs a system, offer better learning environment and opportunity for the teacher, raise educational level of the teacher further.

Above all, can build a perfect educational natural resources to share platform, provide more, richer study resource for the teacher, include education tax, case is shared, paper, satisfy the study requirement of different teacher.

Next, can drive what be united in wedlock below the line on the line to groom mode, use Internet technology to begin study of course of lecture of online direct seeding, network to wait, offer more convenient study way for the teacher.

In addition, still can establish perfect incentive mechanism, through rewarding outstanding teacher, encourage pedagogic paper to publish wait for means to arouse a teacher to share the enthusiasm that continues to teach.


The place on put together is narrated, the construction that teacher of nursery school of Henan province middle and primary school continues to teach administrative system is crucial to raising educational level of the teacher. Promote integrated quality of the teacher and capability ceaselessly only, ability serves better at the student, the development of stimulative education.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can save teacher of nursery school of middle and primary school to continue to teach administrative system to be helped somewhat to Henan for you.

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