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The historical origin of culture of drug of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine

From of old, Medicine of doctor of traditional Chinese medicineIt is the precious fortune of Chinese people, its history is OK before restrospect to counts chiliad. In endless historical endless flow, culture of drug of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine passes run in the family, ceaseless development expands, formed unique academic system and medical treatment system.

The nuclear psychology of culture of drug of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine reads aloud

The core concept of culture of drug of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine includes idea of doctrine of main and collateral channels of theory of body fluid of blood of doctrine of the five elements of yin and yang, gas, internal organs of the body and the concept of viewing the situation as a whole and prevention and cure. These concepts are perforative in the clinical practice at medicine of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and medicaments application,

The contemporary value of culture of drug of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine

Be opposite as people healthy attention and the attention to traditional culture, medicine of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is shown in modern society gave new energy. The value of culture of drug of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine expresses substantial now medicaments natural resources and clinical experience not only, more reflect the mutual complement in its and modern medicine and joint development to go up.

The international communication of culture of drug of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and transmission

Advance as the acceleration of globalization process, culture of drug of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine also was obtained in the world more and more attention and approbate. The international communication of medicine of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine conduces to the whole world of medicine of stimulative traditional Chinese medical science travelling not only, can promote the communication cooperation between each country medicine more, promote the joint development of career of global medical treatment.

The future of culture of drug of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is looked into

Medicine of doctor of traditional Chinese medicineCulture still has important sense now, its wait for the unique value of the respect to will continue to get approbate and developing in disease of health of precautionary disease, recuperation, cure. In the meantime, culture of drug of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine also will act more important role inside global limits, for human health the career makes new contribution.

Thank you to read the article, carry the article, the hope can help you understand culture of drug of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in the round more, appreciate its history inheritance and modern development deep, and the principal port to career of global medical treatment.

