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Limited company of Beijing culture medium: Industry position

Limited company of Beijing culture medium is the main component of industry of Chinese culture medium, regard a banner culture medium as the enterprise, the company has significant position and force inside the industry. Limited company of Beijing culture medium cuts a figure in culture originality industry, for the industry development made positive contribution.

Limited company of Beijing culture medium: Develop course

Limited company of Beijing culture medium held water 2005, since the company holds water oneself, the profundity that depends on pair of culture markets understands and abound experience, extend business domain ceaselessly, develop and expand what promote culture industry actively. There are indefatigable effort and sturdy belief in company development course, gained great progress and brilliant success.

Limited company of Beijing culture medium: Scope of business

The scope of business of limited company of Beijing culture medium covered culture originality, movie and TV to make, the many domains such as plan of activity of artistic promotion, culture. The company devotes oneself to to transmit Chinese outstanding culture, drive domestic and international culture to communicate, made a batch of outstanding culture high-quality goods and work of art, get of wide audience and market reputably.

Thank you to read the article, believe to carry course of the industry place that knows limited company of Beijing culture medium, development and scope of business, can understand this company in the round to be in more the importance of culture medium domain and contribution.

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