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股市大事件 | 你需要了解的股票财经资讯英文双语对照


股市大事件 | 你需要了解的股票财经资讯英文双语对照










  • 分散投资: 避免集中投资于某一只股票,降低风险。
  • 长期投资: 选择优质股票,长期持有,实现稳健增值。
  • 止盈止损: 在交易中设定合理的止盈止损点,保护投资收益。
  • 严格风险控制: 根据自身的风险承受能力,合理控制仓位,避免盲目跟风。





The basic idea of the stock market

The stock market is to show the stock trades the market, it is the place that enterprise and investor have stockjobbing. It is OK that investor carries the stock market business share, realize the rise in value of capital.

The type of the stock

The stock can be divided give priority to board stock, do poineering work board stock and division are achieved board the different type such as the stock, the stock of every kinds of type has a place difficult of access of different investment characteristic zephyr. The risk preference that him basis needs when investor is choosing those who invest mark and investment target will undertake choosing.

The stock trades time

Stock market comes in Zhou Yi commonly Zhou Wu in the morning reopen after a cessation of business, receive city afternoon. Investor needs to be in right time paragraph inside do business, hold trade opportunity.

Affect the factor of stock price

Stock price suffers a variety of elements to affect, include situation of policy of main area of macroscopical economic situation, corporation, trade, international to wait. Investor needs to pay close attention to these elements, the investment that adjusts oneself in time is politic.

The stock invests skill

  • Invest dispersedly: Avoid to center invest in some stock, reduce a risk.
  • Invest for a long time: Select high grade stock, extended hold, realize dovish rise in value.
  • Stop be filled with stop caustic: In trade set stops reasonably be filled with stop damage site, protect yield.
  • Severe hazard controls: Bear according to the risk of oneself ability, reasonable control storehouse, avoid to follow suit blindly.

The stock market invests state of mind

Stock market investment needs reason, avoid greedy with scared mood interference invests judgement. In the meantime, need has patience and will, accept the wave motion in investing a process and risk.

Thank you to read this article, hope to you understanding stock finance and economics is helped somewhat.

