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与孩子进行有效的沟通是育儿中至关重要的一环。使用TXT方法,也就是接受、转达和接纳(Tolerate, Transmit, eXpress)的沟通原则,可以帮助家长更好地与孩子建立心灵连接。在孩子遇到问题或困惑时,耐心倾听,理解并尊重他们的想法,帮助他们表达情感,是培养健康积极的个性发展的有效途径。








Yo TXT method, the Yo that serves as a kind of science means, had gotten gradually the attention of increasing parent and approbate. In child growing process, parents need to use all sorts of strategy and skill, will help them grow healthily, happily. The article will set out from practical experience, share for you how to use TXT method, science fosters a few experience of the child and skill.

Communicating is crucial

Undertaking effective communication with the child is Yo in crucial one annulus. UseTXT method, accept namely, convey and admit (Tolerate, transmit, EXpress) communication principle, can help the parent establish interior link with the child better. When the child encounters a problem or baffling, listen attentively to patiently, understand and respect their opinion, help them express feeling, it is the efficient way that develops healthy and positive individual character development.

The technology is in Yo apply mediumly

In the times of current digitlization, the technology is in Yo medium action cannot be ignored. ThroughTXT method, the parent is OK the technical measure with appropriate have the aid of will help child learns and grow. For instance, the parent can pass material of literal information, text or online study resource, the knowledge that provides rich and colorful gives the child, let them learn in joy, increase integrated capacity.

Behavior is modelled with incentive mechanism

UseTXT methodUndertake behavior is modelled with incentive mechanism build, can help the convention with child good nurturance and action. The parent can come through be approbated in time and be being rewarded the positive action of aggrandizement child, help them realize an error at the same time through appropriate punishment, establish true viewpoint of value and code of conduct, stimulative health grows.

Pass afore-mentioned sharing, how can be our hope parents applied more greatly into ground understandingTXT methodScientific Yo. On the road that grows in the child, much cent is patient, much cent understands, the effort that parent place gives will become the cornerstone that child happiness did not come to.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can be you be in through this article Yo bring in the process a few inspire and help.
