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As more and more companies look to curb food waste, fruit scraps and ugly pieces of produce that once went into the compost bin or trash can are finding second lives. 越来越多的公司想要减少食物浪费,所以曾经被扔进堆肥箱或垃圾桶的水果残渣和品相不佳的农产品现在可以被二次利用了。 Juice pulp has been turned into popsicles, wonky veggies into soups, and now Dutch company Fooditive is turning leftovers from apples and pears, along with the pieces of fruit that are unfit for supermarkets, into a chemical-free sweetener. 果汁果肉被制成了雪糕,不太新鲜的蔬菜被做成了汤。现在荷兰公司Fooditive把苹果和梨的残渣和不适合在超市卖的水果变成了不含化学物质的甜味剂。 Current sugar substitutes are considered a growing environmental hazard; artificial sweeteners such as sucralose and aspartame, found in Splenda and Equal, aren't absorbed by our bodies nor are completely removed by wastewater treatment plants, meaning these sweeteners end up in rivers and oceans, potentially harming aquatic plant and animal life. 目前认为糖的替代品对环境造成的危害越来越大。人造甜味剂,如善品糖和怡口糖中的三氯蔗糖和阿斯巴甜,都不能被人体吸收,污水处理厂也不能完全将其清除,这就意味着这些甜味剂最终会进入江河湖海,对水生动植物有潜在危害。

Regular cane sugar is the cause of global health problems, and its cultivation is taking an environmental toll, too, requiring intense water use and causing soil erosion and pollution from processing sugarcane. 普通蔗糖是全球健康问题的根源,它的种植也对环境有害,大量用水,导致水土流失,加工甘蔗也会造成污染。 Natural sweeteners like honey have their own complications. Stevia, the natural sweetener derived from the Stevia rebaudiana plant, is known to have a bitter aftertaste, so beverage companies that use stevia often mix it with other artificial sweeteners. 蜂蜜等天然甜味剂也有问题。都知道从甜菊属植物中提取的天然甜味剂甜菊糖的余味很苦,所以使用甜菊糖的饮料公司往往会掺入人造甜味剂。 Fooditive, founded by food scientist Moayad Abushokhedim, aims to be a natural alternative to those other sweetener options in a way that's healthy for the planet and our own bodies. Fooditive公司由食品科学家Moayad Abushokhedim创立,旨在找到天然替代品来替代其他甜味剂,既要环保,又要健康。 Fooditive takes third-grade apples and pears—those ones with brown spots or off colors, which wouldn't be sold in a supermarket—from local Dutch farmers, along with some fruit scraps, and extracts the natural fructose through a fermentation process. Fooditive公司从荷兰当地农民那里收来三等苹果和梨,就是超市不卖的有棕色斑点或者颜色不鲜艳的,还收水果残渣。然后通过发酵提取天然果糖。 The final result is a calorie-free sweetener without many of the concerns of both sugar and other sugar substitutes. 最终获得的甜味剂不含热量,省去了对糖和糖替代品的诸多担忧。
