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  1. 建立亲子沟通:亲子沟通非常重要,家长可以通过倾听孩子的想法和感受来建立良好的沟通,培养孩子的表达能力,让孩子感到被尊重和被理解。
  2. 注重孩子的情商培养:与孩子一起分享情感体验,引导他们正确处理情绪,培养孩子的情商和人际交往能力。
  3. 培养孩子的独立性:在孩子适当的年龄阶段,鼓励孩子独立完成一些事情,如自己穿衣、整理书包等,培养他们的自理能力和独立性。
  4. 营造和谐的家庭氛围:家庭氛围对孩子的成长影响深远,家长要注意创造和谐、积极的家庭氛围,对孩子进行良好的激励和引导。
  5. 合理制定教育规划:根据孩子的个性、兴趣和特长,制定合理的教育规划,逐步培养他们的综合素质和能力。
  6. 支持孩子的兴趣爱好:积极支持孩子的兴趣爱好,让他们在兴趣的世界里得到快乐和成长。
  7. 关注孩子的成长动态:及时关注孩子的成长动态,了解孩子的成长需求,给予恰当的教育指导。
  8. 严格但不严厉:在教育孩子时要严格要求,但不要过分严厉,注重启发和引导,让孩子在严肃中感受到爱和关怀。
  9. 家长示范榜样:家长是孩子学习的榜样,良好的行为举止会对孩子产生潜移默化的影响。
  10. 尊重孩子的个性:每个孩子都有自己独特的个性,要尊重孩子的个性差异,给予他们充分的尊重和包容。




Zheng artful Yo classics

Zheng artful Yo via serving as Yo directive serious content, provided a lot of valuable experience and skill for the parent. Pass effective Yo method, the parent can help child health grow better, education gives more outstanding character. It is 10 practical skill below, aim to help the parent apply Zheng Qiao Yo better classics.

  1. Build close child communicate: Close child it is very important to communicate, the parent can be passed the think of a way that listens the child and experience will build good communication, develop expressive ability of the child, let the child feel be respected and be understood.
  2. Business develops the condition that pays attention to the child: Share affection to experience together with the child, guide them to handle a mood correctly, the condition that develops the child business and human truck capacity.
  3. Develop the child's independent character: In the child's appropriate age level, encourage the child to accomplish a few things independently, if oneself are clad, arrange satchel to wait, foster them provide for oneself ability and independent character.
  4. Build harmonious domestic atmosphere: Domestic atmosphere is right of the child grow far-reaching, the parent should notice to create harmonious, active family atmosphere, undertake to the child good drive is mixed guide.
  5. Reasonable establish educational program: According to the child's individual character, interest and specialty, establish sound educational program, develop their integrated quality and ability stage by stage.
  6. Bear interest interest of the child: Bear interest interest of the child actively, let them get in the world of interest joy is mixed grow.
  7. Pay close attention to growing trends of the child: Pay close attention to growing trends of the child in time, understand growing requirement of the child, offer appropriate education guidance.
  8. Strict but lax severe: Strict requirement wants when teaching the child, but not beyond the mark severity, pay attention to inspire and guide, let the child experience love and consideration in gravity.
  9. Parent demonstrative example: The parent is the example of child learning, good conduct behavior can produce the effect of exert a subtle influence on to the child.
  10. Respect the child's individual character: Every child has his unique individual character, want to respect individual character difference of the child, give they are respected adequately and include.

Pass these skill, parents can guide child health to grow better, make domestic concern more harmonious and stable, education gives more outstanding talented people.

Thank you to read the article, hope these practical skill can help you apply Zheng Qiao Yo better classics.
