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  • 倾听和沟通: 倾听孩子的想法和感受,提供积极的沟通环境,帮助他们表达内心。
  • 建立尊重: 和孩子建立平等尊重的关系,尊重他们的个体差异和独特性。
  • 鼓励自信: 鼓励孩子尝试新事物,提高自尊,培养积极心态。
  • 设立界限: 在培养孩子自主能力的同时,适当设立界限,让他们知道行为的范围和规则。



  • 情绪管理: 教导孩子正确的情绪管理方式,比如通过艺术、运动等方式表达情感。
  • 自我意识: 帮助孩子建立良好的自我意识,了解自己的长处和短处。
  • 压力管理: 指导孩子面对压力时的积极应对策略,如放松训练、认知重塑等。
  • 人际关系: 培养孩子良好的人际交往能力,教导沟通、分享和合作。




Children mental health teachs: The key teachs skill and mental health guidance

Education of children mental health gets attention fully all the time, the parent and pedagogue hope to be able to help child health grow better. Teach those who introduce a few keys skill below, and the guidance of mental health respect.

The key teachs skill

In education of children mental health, crucial educational skill includes:

  • Listen attentively to and communicate: The think of a way that listens the child and experience, provide active communication environment, help them convey a heart.
  • Build esteem: Establish equal valued relationship with the child, respect their individual difference and uniqueness.
  • Encourage self-confidence: Encourage the child to try new thing, raise self-respect, train active state of mind.
  • Establish dividing line: Rearing the child own capability while, establish dividing line appropriately, let them know the limits of behavior and regulation.

Mental health is directive

In addition, directive child's good mental health also is crucial:

  • Mood management: Teach the child's right mood management kind, express feeling through the means such as artistic, motion for instance.
  • Self-awareness: Help child builds good self-awareness, understand oneself good qualities and weakness.
  • Pressure government: When directive child faces pressure answer strategy actively, if loosen training, acknowledge,weigh model to wait.
  • Human relation: Develop the child's good human association ability, teach communicate, share and cooperate.

Anyhow, education of children mental health needs the parent and pedagogue joint efforts, through crucial education skill and mental health coach, help child builds healthy psychological physique, health grows.

Thank you to read the article, the hope teachs skill and mental health guidance through these, can help you care better and teach the child, let the thrive in their psychological environment in health.

