Regard high school as a mandatory course in the life, chemical already abstract press close to lives. Those are common in letting us uncover chemistry of secret high school together but the intellectual dot of afford for thought, take you to walk into chemical wonderful world.
Above all, we will lookChemical materialIn those familiar to the ear can the element of detailed, for instanceOxygen, HydricAndWater. How do you know they part to acting important role in our life? The oxygen from inside air arrives the water in daily life, nowhere is not in these elements.
Next, make us thorough understandChemical reaction: From simple combustion reaction counteracts reaction to complex soda acid, these are the indispensable one part in our life. Pass chemical reaction, we can drive car, enlighten room, enjoy delicate food.
Besides, we still will be discussedChemistry is equational, understand among them hidden rule and mystery. Pass chemical equation, we can see matter clearly between change a course, the essence that this understands chemical change to us is crucial.
Finally, let us be looked intoChemistry applies mediumly in the life, for instance the respect such as pharmacy, environmental protection. Chemistry stays in the lab not just, it blended in the square field surface that we live, promoting ceaseless development of the society.
Carry the article uncover secret, believe you had had new perspective to chemical understanding. Thank you read, the importance in hoping the article can help you understand chemistry to live in us better.