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The history of American recreation program and development

American recreation program is of long standing and well established, from what inchoate Hollywood movie industry arrives to flourish now market of program of put together art, evolve ceaselessly and innovate. The Hollywood golden age at the beginning of 20 centuries established the world position of American movie industry, those who be program of of all kinds later recreation is arisen laid solid foundation. Subsequently, american put together art the program is continuous emerge in large numbers, make the vane of industry of current international entertainment and trend.

The diversity of American recreation program

Sort of American recreation program is various, covered the many fields such as performance of program of the film, teleplay, put together art, music, dancing. No matter be Hollywood is big wonderful performance, still star people those who participate in is of all kinds true person excellent program, get of global audience love. In addition, musical program of the United States and dance contest also suffer fully fix eyes upon, become the main platform of the communication between international and competition.

The consequence of American recreation program

American recreation program has massive force inside global limits. Its make concept of level, originality and advertisement sale mode become the target that other country and area entertainment industry study, the transmission that affecting global popularity culture and development. Purposes of a lot of American entertainment division break up pat with introduce the main component that makes industry of entertainment of other country mainland.

Trend of future of purpose of American entertainment division

Develop as the acceleration of the ceaseless progress of science and technology and globalization, american recreation program also is facing new challenge and opportunity. The application of the new technology such as catenary of virtual reality, artificial intelligence, area piece will give American recreation program to bring brand-new experience and commercial pattern. In the meantime, international collaboration also will promote the innovation of American recreation program and development with the confluence that cross a boundary.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, the history that hopes to adopt program of recreation of introductory United States, diversity, consequence and prospective trend, let you know American entertainment industry in the round more, develop to be inspired somewhat to purpose of global entertainment division.

