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Save the educational administration of lukewarm state city as Zhejiang, Bureau of lukewarm city educationAssuming advance a city to teach the fairness of reform, stimulative education, main mission that improves educational quality. Bureau of lukewarm city education devotes oneself to to make better learning environment for the student, provide more educational support for the teacher, build more calculable education safeguard for the parent.

Wen Zhou teachs the duty of the bureau and assignment

The main responsibility of bureau of lukewarm city education includes to make and carry out education to develop a program, carry out policy of national educational policy, leader and guidance job of whole town education, drive construction of educational modernization and educational informatization to wait. In education system reform, persons qualified to teach grooms, the school is built and teach the respect such as funds allocation, bureau of lukewarm city education is producing main effect.

Wen Zhou teachs the key of the bureau to work

Be in current, bureau of lukewarm city education is devoting oneself to to promote education quality in the round, stimulative quality teachs carry out, strengthen a profession to teach evolution, promote poineering education of school sports, artistic education and innovation, make more the educational system of diversity. In addition, bureau of lukewarm city education still pays close attention to the job such as construction of morality of health of school security, teachers and students, teenage thought mainly, build favorable educational modes of life and relation to their environment with all one's strength.

Wen Zhou teachs the achievement of the bureau and evolution

In recent years, bureau of lukewarm city education is advancing education informatization, drive campus security, improvement to learn school office to learned the respect such as the condition to gain remarkable success. School establishment is ceaseless and perfect, educational natural resources is ceaseless and substantial, the faculty expands ceaselessly, integrated quality raises the student ceaselessly, each education reforms act to obtain actual effect in succession.

Wen Zhou teachs the future of the bureau to look into

Future, Bureau of lukewarm city educationThe happiness that will continue to be taught with satisfying people to be opposite expects to be oneself, exert oneself compose builds modern education to administer a system, improve educational quality ceaselessly, to breed more and outstanding talent, drive a city to be able to expand contributive power continuously.

Thank you to read the article, wen Zhou teachs bureau general to continue hard, those who be each students grow escort the Emperor convoy, the future that is a city develops the educational energy with infuse constant in a steady stream.

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