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1. 欢迎你的衣橱“大扫除”


2. 把握时尚趋势,做自己的搭配师


3. **打造“经典+个性”的穿搭风格


4. 探索混搭的可能性


5. **从配饰着手,提升整体造型




1.The almirah that welcomes you " general cleaning "

Want to make individual character style, should undertake to oneself almirah above all " general cleaning " , those antiquated, will unwell the clothing and other articles of daily use that join is one-time clear. Clear only between clean, ability gives the seat for new fashionable Chan Pinteng.

2.Hold fashionable trend, make oneself tie-in division

Tide of follow closely vogue, know the element with the most popular instantly and pattern. But rather blindly follow, in the style that blends in oneself as will fashionable trend, innovation goes distinct personality to wear build.

3.** is made " classical + individual character " wear build a style

Classical style can let you appear decent in any circumstances, but if wear classical style only,may appear too conservative and drab. Accordingly, want to add element of a few individual character on classical base, match for instance a chic chatelaine or a cap of individual character.

4.Exploration mixes the possibility that take

Mix building is to wear the one big climate that build, different style, capable person the qualitative, dress that is different season even has assorted, the individual character that makes a having a unique style is worn build. Might as well coat of bull-puncher of collocation of attempt general dress, or be in sneaker of business suit collocation.

5.** from deserve to acting the role of a hand, promote whole model

Deserving to act the role of is the pen that promotes integral formative dot eyeball, choice a few deserve to act the role of with what dress photograph echo stresses individual character again, for instance catenary of dangler, necklace, hand, the fashionable modelling that can let you more piece carry.

The 5 great secret of success of hope above can help you make individual character dye-in-the-wood, vogue is worn distinctly build a style, let you become wear truly build amount to a person. Finally, thank you particularly read, the fashionable district that hopes this article can be you is brought a few inspire and help.

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