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  • 维护班级秩序:每天检查班级卫生、学习用品等,保持教室的整洁和良好的学习环境。
  • 协助老师管理课堂纪律:在老师不在时,起到维护课堂纪律的作用。
  • 服务同学:关心同学们的学习和生活,及时反映同学们的困难和问题,尽力帮助他们解决。
  • 组织班级活动:带领全班同学开展有益的课外活动,增强班级凝聚力。



  • 责任心:意识到自己在班级中的重要作用,做事情要尽心尽力。
  • 关爱他人:善于倾听同学们的心声,为他们排忧解难。
  • 沟通协调:与老师和同学之间的沟通协调能力要强,善于团结同学,营造和谐的班级氛围。
  • 创新能力:有创新意识,能够带领班级同学开展丰富多彩的活动。





Make the sense of life committee member

Regard a school as medium life committee member, it is a honorary honor not just, more important is to assume the responsibility with rose due and obligation. Life committee member should help order of teacher management classes or grades in school not only, care condition of the daily life life of classmates, study even, it is the close server of class and classmates and helper.

Duty and task

Regard the life as the committee member, main responsibility includes:

  • Uphold class order: Check things of class sanitation, study to wait everyday, those who maintain a classroom is neat with favorable learning environment.
  • Assist discipline of teacher management classroom: When the teacher is absent, rise to defend the action of classroom discipline.
  • Service classmate: Care the study of classmates and life, reflect the difficulty of classmates and problem in time, endeavor to help them solve.
  • Organize class activity: Guide whole class classmate to develop beneficial extracurricular activity, enhance class cohesive affinity.

Gain achievement and experience

Become an outstanding life committee member, need has certain quality and capacity:

  • Responsibility heart: Realize oneself the main effect in class, do a thing to want with one one's heart to endeavor.
  • Care other: Be good at listening attentively to the aspirations of classmates, it is difficult that for them platoon care is solved.
  • Communicate harmonious: As harmonious as the communication between teacher and classmate ability is ambitious, be good at unitive classmate, build harmonious class atmosphere.
  • Innovation ability: Have innovation consciousness, can guide class classmate to develop the activity of rich and colorful.

Will not plan

Through holding the position of life committee member, classmates can exercise his ability, develop oneself leader and constituent ability, accumulate valuable experience to grow those who come. Become an outstanding life committee member to be able to make more contribution with class for classmates, also be a significant experience.

Thank you to read this article, the hope can help you understand to be in as life committee member better the meaning in class and importance, and the crucial quality that becomes outstanding life committee member and task.

