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  • 排名第一:小米生态链企业,凭借其智能硬件产品和智能家居生态体系的成熟,稳坐行业龙头地位。
  • 排名第二:华为智能生活,借助其技术和品牌实力,稳居第二位。
  • 排名第三:云米科技,作为智能家居行业新秀,凭借产品创新和营销策略,迅速崛起。
  • 排名第四:京东智能家居,依托其线上线下渠道优势,实力不可小觑。
  • 排名第五:海尔智家,凭借多年的积累和品牌影响力,稳居前五位。



  • 智能化生活场景延伸: 智能家居产品将逐渐渗透到更多生活场景,例如智能家电、智能安防、智能家居控制系统等,为消费者提供更便捷、舒适的生活体验。
  • 人工智能技术应用: 人工智能技术的不断创新将为智能家居产品赋予更多功能,实现对用户习惯的学习和智能化的个性化定制服务。
  • 智能家居标准与规范建设: 随着行业的快速发展,智能家居标准与规范建设将逐步完善,为行业的健康发展提供有力保障。
  • 智能家居与绿色低碳生活: 智能家居产品将与绿色低碳生活理念相结合,推动可持续发展,更好地满足人们对美好生活的向往。






Intelligence lives in one of fundamental application that regard content couplet net as the domain, present the state that develops flourishingly in home market in recent years. Of the progress as science and technology and requirement of consumer opposite vivid quality rise, intelligence lives in a product more and more be paid close attention to. The article will be right domestic intelligence lived in enterprise rank to undertake an analysis 2023, develop a trend to undertake forecast and be expectationed to the industry.

Rank circumstance

Show according to newest market survey data, domestic intelligence lived in an enterprise to rank as follows 2023:

  • Rank the first: Company of millet zoology chain, by right of its intelligent hardware product and intelligence live in the maturity of zoology system, sit firmly industry bibcock position.
  • Rank the 2nd: Hua Weizhi can live, have the aid of its technology and brand actual strength, reside the 2nd firmly.
  • Rank the 3rd: Cloud rice science and technology, live in trade new show as intelligence, depend on product innovation and sale strategy, rise abruptly quickly.
  • Rank the 4th: Jing Dongzhi can be lived in, rely on advantage of the channel below the line on its line, actual strength cannot small gaze.
  • Rank the 5th: Home Hai Erzhi, depend on be accumulated for years and brand force, before certain room 5.

Develop a tendency

Future, domestic intelligence lives in an industry to will still maintain the momentum that high speed develops, present trend of the following great progress:

  • Intelligence changes life setting outspread: Intelligence lives in a product to will permeate more life setting gradually, for example how is intelligent home appliance, intelligence prevented, system of intelligent household control, provide more convenient, comfortable life experience for consumer.
  • Artificial intelligence technology applies: The ceaseless innovation of artificial intelligence technology will gift for intelligent household product more function, the individuation that the study that implementation is used to to the user and intelligence change subdues Wu surely.
  • Intelligence lives in standard and normative construction: As the rapid development of the industry, intelligence lives in standard and normative construction to will be perfected stage by stage, the healthy progress that is an industry provides strong safeguard.
  • Low carbon of intelligent household and green lives: Intelligence lives in photograph of concept of life of low carbon of product general and green to be united in wedlock, drive can develop continuously, what satisfy people to live to happiness better is yearning.


The place on put together is narrated, domestic intelligence lived in enterprise rank to present a certain stability 2023, but industry development still is full of good luck and challenge. Future, of the ceaseless progress as the technology and market demand upgrade ceaselessly, intelligence lives in an industry to will greet vaster development space. Believe the indefatigable effort as each enterprise, the life that intelligence lives in a product to will be people brings more advantage and comfortable.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can be you to live in an industry to be helped somewhat to domestic intelligence.

