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Sichuan teachs a net: Build platform of new-style education information

In recent years, as the flying development of IT, educational industry also innovates in ceaseless exploration. As Sichuan the province teachs the main component that informatization builds, sichuan taught a net to build a brand-new educational information platform, provided broader study and communication space for extensive teaching staff and student.

The function of diversity and resource

Sichuan teachs a net to devote oneself to to provide convenient education natural resources and academic communication platform for the teaching staff, for example class case of guidance of education of download, discipline, education is shared etc. In the meantime, student and parent also can get study data, understanding to teach policy through this platform, participate in interact on the line etc.

Break time and dimensional limitation

Traditional education mode gets time of be confined to and space, and of Sichuan education net roll out, broke these limitation to teach teacher and student. The teacher can upload at any time and place and share education resource, the student also can undertake through the network extracurricular study is mixed coach.

Process of stimulative education informatization

The construction of Sichuan education net indicates province education informatization strode a Sichuan a new chance to extricateoneself from an awkward position, pass natural resources of integrated and of all kinds education, promoted the rapid development that teachs informatization. This also is helpful for improving educational education quality, foster information accomplishment of the student and innovation thinking.


The person that Sichuan education net regards new-style education as the searcher of mode and carry out travel, built the platform of a communication study for extensive teaching staff and student. Believe the ceaseless progress as the technology and the innovation that teach a concept, sichuan education net can be perfected ceaselessly and develop, to teach the vitality with career new infuse.

Thank you to read the article, the hope teachs the pertinent information of the net through understanding Sichuan, can hold the pulse that teachs evolution better, provide more and beneficial reference and resource to education is carried out and learn.
