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中央财经大学培训学院(Central University of Finance and Economics Training Institute)是中央财经大学设立的具有独立法人资格的直属单位,致力于为社会提供优质的财经领域人才培养和终身学习服务。学院始终秉承中央财经大学“经济管理人才的摇篮”和“国家治理人才的重要培养基地”的办学宗旨,致力于构建中央财经大学与社会各界交流合作的桥梁和纽带。







University of central finance and economics grooms institute

University of central finance and economics grooms institute (Central University Of Finance And Economics Training Institute) it is the has independent corporate organization directly under unit that university of central finance and economics creates, devote oneself to to offer qualified personnel of high grade field of finance and economics is fostered and lifelong study to serve for the society. The institute takes college of central finance and economics from beginning to end " the cradle of economic government person with ability " and " the important education base of national processing talent " managerial tenet, devote oneself to compose to establish the bridge of university of central finance and economics and collaboration of communication of social all circles and tie.

The institute sets professional qualification to groom, continue collaboration of education, international grooms wait for many education research organization, cover resource of Wu of finance, accountant, audit, duty, manpower, administration to wait for many professional domains. In the meantime, the institute still has a high quality, specialization, the faculty of internationalization, can offer all-around study guidance and professional program for student.

University of central finance and economics grooms the institute pays attention to theory and practice photograph union, advocate the education that pays attention to professional skill and professional accomplishment. The institute offerred the course that many as effective as the industry demand combine cheek by jowl, the study means that be analysed through academic education, case and carries out an operation to be united in wedlock, education student has the actual combat ability that gets used to an industry to expand demand and innovation thinking.

In addition, university of central finance and economics grooms the institute is returned with enterprise or business unit, government sector established extensive cooperative relationship, provide the support of the many sided such as exercitation, obtain employment for student. Home of academic base oneself upon, face the whole world, extend international collaboration actively, develop international communication and cooperative project, the talented person of finance and economics of high administrative levels that has international eye and competition ability for education made positive contribution.

Anyhow, university of central finance and economics grooms the institute is mixed with its force of abundant persons qualified to teach, substantial education natural resources precise education manner, provided a capacious academic platform and professional development space for student, devote oneself to to make the professional new raise of domain of finance and economics.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can groom to university of central finance and economics for you the institute understands somewhat provide a help.

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