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  1. 哑铃推举: 这是增强肩部整体压力的核心训练,通过图解演示正确的动作姿势和注意事项,帮助你更好地进行哑铃推举。
  2. 侧平举: 侧平举可以有效刺激肩部外侧肌群,图解演示让你清晰地了解如何正确完成侧平举动作。
  3. 俯身后平举: 这个训练动作能有效地刺激肩部后侧肌肉,通过图解详细介绍动作要领和注意事项。
  4. 面前提拉: 面前提拉是锻炼肩部前侧肌群的经典动作,通过图解形象展示动作要点和常见错误,帮助你完美做好该动作。
  5. 坐姿哑铃推举: 对于稳定姿势、减轻腰部压力具有明显优势,图解演示如何正确进行坐姿哑铃推举。





The importance that humeral ministry trains

Humeral ministry is one of significant position of human body upper part of the body, the humeral ministry that develop can enhance the stability of the upper part of the body not only, still can make whole person looks more choice is poor forceful. In fitness, humeral ministry training is regarded as to model the key of line of perfect upper part of the body.

Common shoulder ministry trains an error

A lot of people are put in a few errors when undertaking humeral ministry trains, for instance excessive side is made at promoting activity again and oversight humeral department is other muscle group train, perhaps use overweight weight to bring about humeral ministry to get hurt. Accordingly, be necessary to understand correct humeral ministry to train a method, accomplish science, exercise humeral ministry surely.

Method of training of efficient shoulder ministry is graphic

It is methods of 5 kinds of efficient humeral ministry training below, graphic detailed solves:

  1. Dumbbell choose: This is the core training that heightens pressure of humeral ministry whole, through graphic demonstrate correct behavioral pose and note, help you have dumbbell press better.
  2. Side is smooth lift: Side makes the same score flesh of the side outside starting department of shoulder of OK and effective stimulation group, graphic demonstrate to let you how does clear understanding finish side correctly to make the same score act to make.
  3. Fu back is smooth lift: This training movement stimulates muscle of the side after humeral ministry effectively, pass essentials of movement of graphic and detailed introduction and note.
  4. Face premise pulls: Face premise is pulled is flesh of the side before exercising humeral ministry group classical movement, show behavioral point and common error through graphic figure, help you are perfect had made this motion.
  5. Choose of sitting position dumbbell: To stabilizing a pose, reduce lumbar pressure to have clear advantage, graphic demonstrate how to have press of sitting position dumbbell correctly.


The method of training of ministry of 5 kinds of shoulders of above introduction is very effective, but the movement that is sure to notice to keep correct when undertaking humeral ministry trains and weight, lest cause needless harm. Ministry of reasonable arrangement shoulder trains, tie-in and right amount breathing space, will harvest the effect of get twice the result with half the effort.

Thank you to read this article, the hope carries this article, you can understand humeral ministry in the round to train a method more, in training thereby more scientific, exercise humeral ministry surely, achieve the result of get twice the result with half the effort.
