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Regard Heilongjiang finance and economics as academic student, using educational administration system adroitly is very important. Educational administration system is student and school between the bridge of information communication, also be the main tool that student government learns and lives. Will introduce below how the educational administration system of institute of finance and economics of efficient use Heilongjiang.

System of entry educational administration

Above all, want to use educational administration system, must login first. The network address of system of educational administration of institute of Heilongjiang finance and economics is inputted in the browser, input next of the individual learn date and password to undertake entry. If be to login for the first time, probable need amends initiative code, the proposal asks to install a security to compare tall password according to the system.

Examine syllabus and achievement

In educational administration system, can examine the individual's syllabus and achievement conveniently. In syllabus, know weekly schooltime and place OK and clearly, because move a class temporarily,avoid and miss course. Additional, inquire in achievement the function is medium, can examine the achievement of each course and accomplishment site at any time, understand oneself school work situation in time.

Anthology class and cancel a course

Educational administration system was offerred choose class and the function that cancel a course, make a student OK the school work program according to the individual and interest, agile ground chooses course. During choosing a course, want to pay close attention to the time that choose a course and arrangement in time, reasonable the course that plans oneself. In the meantime, if have,do not accord with the course with individual incommensurate perhaps circumstance, also can undertake cancelling a course through educational administration system, avoid impact study quality.

File graduation and degree card

When learn and satisfying graduation requirement what complete full course when the student, can undertake graduating applying for through educational administration system. In applying for a process, need according to the system how-to and progressively those who finish each material and formalities refer. Additional, after obtaining degree, also can apply for to get degree card through educational administration system, convenient and quick.

Student information is safeguarded

Finally, educational administration system also provided the function that student information maintains. The student can amend individual information in the system, examine condition of one's status as a student to wait. This is very important, should connect the individual data such as information of means, registered permanent residence newlier in the school especially when, undertake in time maintenance, so that the school is mixed,the teacher is contacted well and truly with the student and management learns unripe information.

Anyhow, the educational administration system of institute of Heilongjiang finance and economics provided advantage and support for the student, the student should be good at using educational administration system, efficient managing oneself school work and life. Hope above introduction is helped somewhat to everybody, wish classmates obtain good result on school work!

Thank you to read the article, hope afore-mentioned content can help you use system of educational administration of institute of Heilongjiang finance and economics better, the convenience sex of promotion study and life.

