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1. 健康饮食:合理搭配营养,摄入新鲜蔬果,避免过多加工食品。

2. 精心打理外表:保持干净整洁的外表,注意仪表和着装。

3. 细心布置家居:简约舒适的家居环境能提升生活品质。

4. 良好作息:规律的作息能让身心得到充分的休息。

5. 保持学习态度:持续不断地学习充实自我,涵养内在修养。



  • 美食享受:在繁忙的工作之余,偶尔烹饪一顿美食,或是约上好友去品尝一家特色小吃。
  • 阅读沉淀:选一本好书,或展开一次心灵的对话,让心灵在书香中得到净化。
  • 定期旅行:找一个周末,去探索并发现未知的风景与故事,体会大自然的美好。
  • 与家人相聚:陪伴家人,聊聊家常,感受亲情的温暖。



  • 感恩之心:学会感恩,感激生活中的点滴美好。
  • 心灵成长:多思考,学会从体验中成长,提升自我修养。
  • 善待他人:善待身边的人和事,培养宽容、善良的品格。
  • 寻找人生意义:思考人生的意义,并为之努力与奋斗。



Understand the true meaning of delicate life

What delicate life does not point to merely is materially is costly, more it is a kind of inside and outside holds repaired life position concurrently. It was included to oneself, the esteem of other and environment, and the attention to trifling matters of everyday life and accuse.

The habits and customs with elaborate nurturance

1.Healthy diet: Reasonable and tie-in nutrition, absorb fresh vegetables and fruits, avoid to process food too much.

2.Do appearance meticulously: Maintain neat appearance clean, notice appearance and move are installed.

3.Attentive decorate household: Contracted and easy household environment can promote the life quality.

4.Good work and rest: Regular work and rest can let body and mind get rest adequately.

5.Maintain study attitude: Continual study enrichs ego, self-restraint is immanent and cultural.

Experience life fun from inside detail

Delicate life never is met a bit that oversight lives daily, because this is in daily in, we can promote the life quality from the following respects:

  • Cate enjoys: In busy job, now and then cooking a cate, or it is to make an appointment with superior friend to sample a characteristic is fastfood.
  • Read precipitation: Pick a good book, or the dialogue that develops the heart, let the heart be in the book is sweet in get depurative.
  • Travel regularly: Search weekend, go exploring and discover sealed scenery and old practice, experience the happiness of nature.
  • Get together with family photograph: Accompany family, talk about the daily life of a family, experience the warmth of close affection.

Make a delicate spirit

Delicate soul can make the life more rich, we can foster from the following respects immanent delicate:

  • The heart that be thankful: The society is thankful, a bit in appreciating the life is good.
  • The heart grows: Think more, the society grows from inside the experience, promotion self-discipline.
  • Be kind to other: Be kind to the person beside and thing, develop good-tempered, kind-hearted quality and style.
  • Search life meaning: Ponder over the meaning of life, do it effort and struggle.

Pass these proposals and life skill, believe you can stride the gate of delicate life, let the life have more character, more significant. Thank you read, the life that hopes these suggest to be able to be you brings a few helps.

