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  1. 选择合适的重量:选择合适的哑铃重量是非常重要的,通常建议初学者选择较轻的重量,然后逐渐增加重量。
  2. 平躺在哑铃架上:躺在哑铃架上,双脚踩地,腰部和头部贴紧,保持自然曲线。
  3. 调整手臂姿势:将哑铃举过胸部,双臂微微弯曲,肘部略微张开,保持这个姿势。
  4. 缓慢下放:吸气,缓慢下放哑铃,直到胸部感到一定的拉伸。
  5. 快速上举:呼气,迅速将哑铃举起,同时用胸部肌肉收紧,直到哑铃接近相对原位。
  6. 注意事项:在进行飞鸟动作时,要保持呼吸顺畅,不要将哑铃举得太高,以免造成肩部的不必要压力。



  • 用力过猛:过度用力可能导致肌肉拉伤,应该保持动作平稳、有控制。
  • 重量选择不当:选择过重的哑铃会增加受伤的风险,应该根据自己的实际情况选择合适的重量。
  • 速度过快:动作过快会减少对肌肉的刺激,应该保持动作节奏舒缓、有力。





Gymnastical flyer movement is training bosom sarcous a kind of common fitness movement. Right flyer movement stimulates small flesh of pectoralis major and bosom effectively not only, still can reduce wounded risk. How does the article have the introduction correctly gymnastical flyer action.

Behavioral essentials

When having gymnastical flyer action, need to choose the dumbbell of appropriate weight above all, undertake by the following measure next:

  1. Choose appropriate weight: Choosing appropriate dumbbell weight is very important, normally proposal abecedarian chooses lighter weight, add weight gradually next.
  2. Lie low is on dumbbell wearing: Lie on dumbbell wearing, double foot steps on the ground, the waist and head are stuck close, maintain natural curve.
  3. Adjust arm gesture: Had raised dumbbell chest, double arm bends slightly, elbow appreciably is stretched, maintain this pose.
  4. Slow transfer to a lower level: Inspiratory, dumbbell of slow transfer to a lower level, feel certain drawing till bosom.
  5. Go up quickly lift: Expiratory, raise dumbbell quickly, tighten up with bosom muscle at the same time, be close to till dumbbell relatively former.
  6. Note: When having flyer action, should hold breath smooth, do not lift dumbbell too high, lest create the needless pressure of humeral ministry.

Common and wrong

When having gymnastical flyer action, a few common errors need to avoid:

  • Pass forcibly fierce: Excessive may bring about muscle to be pulled forcibly, should hold an action smooth, have control.
  • Weight choice is undeserved: Choose overweight dumbbell to be able to increase wounded risk, should choose appropriate weight according to his actual condition.
  • Rate is too rapid: The movement can reduce pair of sarcous stimulation too quickly, should maintain behavioral rhythm slow, strong.

Pass the introduction of the article, believe everybody had had clearer knowledge to how having gymnastical flyer action correctly. Correct behavioral essentials can rise not only exercise the effect, still can avoid effectively to get hurt. Hope everybody can notice behavioral validity in gymnastical process, keep healthy while the training effect with be obtained better.

Thank you read, hope this article is helped somewhat to you.
