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Daqing city teachs the duty of the bureau and mission

Bureau of Daqing city education teachs systematic administration as Daqing city, assuming investment of reform of educational administration, education, education and school construction to plan to wait for main task. The innovation that its mission depends on driving educational system mechanism and change, promotion teachs quality, stimulative education is fair, the student that help strength develops in the round.

Daqing city teachs the constituent framework of the bureau

Bureau of Daqing city education sets mechanism to be in superintend and director of room, education to guide the function branch such as school of attend in a advanced studies of center of science and technology of room, staff room, education, teacher, be in charge of supervising and urge, education of education of middle and primary school of guidance whole town works, assist local government to have educational management and program.

Daqing city teachs the education of the bureau to reform act

Bureau of Daqing city education promotes educational reform ceaselessly, active exploration teachs balanced development mechanism, advance quality education, urge educational informatization construction, strengthen faculty construction, devote oneself to to provide the education that has international competition ability more for the student.

Daqing city teachs the future of the bureau to look into

The drive person that teachs system reform as Daqing city and the person that carry out, bureau of Daqing city education will increase education to throw strength further, strengthen education to evaluate with superintend, drive school level of management to promote ceaselessly, with period the learning environment with be built better for the student and development space, the economic society of city of the Daqing that help strength develops.

Thank you to read the article, the hope teachs the pertinent information of the bureau through knowing Daqing town, the education that can understand better and pays close attention to Daqing city works, also hope enterprise of Daqing city education can progress ceaselessly, benefit student and society.
