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Sheet turns over the distinction of camera and digital camera

In digital photography times, people often can turn over camera and doubt of digital camera generation to sheet. After all the need that which kind of camera fit you more? Let us see the distinction between them.

Sensitive component

Sheet turns over camera to use bigger CMOS or CCD sensitive cell, this means it to be able to take more lights and detail, obtain thereby more the image of high quality. And the sensitive component of digital camera is lesser, because this is below low smooth requirement,the meeting when filming has place of more a confusion of voices, influence picture is qualitative.

Camera lens changes

Sheet turns over camera to be able to change camera lens, this means you to be able to need to choose different camera lens according to filming, wait like wide-angle lens, telephoto lens, obtain what more appearance changes to film thereby the effect. And digital camera has fixed scene normally, because this films,the effect suffers relatively be restricted.


Sheet turns over camera to match viewfinder of stock true condition, can show camera lens place sees a picture in real time, this lets you can be opposite well and truly anxious with composition of a picture. And digital camera has electronic viewfinder only normally or be find a view of liquid crystal screen, this can be brought about below strong luminous environment cannot clear observation picture.

Into resemble be being handled with later period

Because sheet turns over camera to have more the sensitive component of high quality and more parameter are adjustable, because this photograph that it films is in,the respect such as exposure, color rendition satisfies the requirement of professional cameraman more easily, also provide more space for later period processing at the same time. And although digital camera can output JPEG picture directly, but the flexibility that handles in later period and picture are qualitative on can be slightly worse.

Applicable crowd

If you note retake to absorb mass, be happy to try different camera lens and parameter setting, and be willing cost more time energy to be on photography technology, so odd turning over photograph opportunity is a better choice. And if you are paid attention to,share a photograph quickly, so digital camera may suit you more.

The place on put together is narrated, the photography lover that sheet turns over camera to suit to go after professional photography character and technical exploration and professional cameraman; And digital camera suits to film daily more, the journey films and film the user of snapshot.

The hope passes the introduction of the article, you understand sheet can more clearly to turn over the distinction of camera and digital camera, can choose to suit the camera of own demand better thereby.

Acknowledgment is read! The article hopes to be able to help you choose camera better, enjoy the joy that photography brings better.

