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French travel setting

The goes surely ground that Europe travels, france, regard global travel as one of popular destination, with its rich culture history insides information and attractive natural scene is attracting countless tourists. Of the romance from Paris arrive sunshine beach of the south, france has the tourist attraction of diversification and experience, offerred the viatic alternative of rich and colorful for the tourist.

Paris: Romantic glamour

Paris, be known as romance, have the tourist attraction that a lot of your people stop. Ascend iron tower of dust humble Er, look at the gallant scenery of whole Paris urban district; Riverside of accept of rambling a place of strategic importance, experience emotional appeal of romantic riverside of accept of a place of strategic importance; Visit Lu float palace, admire numerous and precious artwork; Qieerxi is courtyard of goddess of cemetery, Paris, sweet a pavilion or house on a terrace beautiful abandon an ave... the glamour that each place can experience Paris is distinctive.

Southern seaside holiday resort

The mediterranean of French south is coastal it is famed holiday resort, be likeThe Buddhist nun this, knock gently accept and MarseillesWait for a city to have attractive beach and clear seawater. Besides enjoy sunshine beach besides, the fishing person dock that still can explore ancient city of A Weini's old man, visiting Marseilles, appreciate knock gently the film festival atmosphere of accept, enjoy Mediterranean amorous feelings to the top of one's bent.

Explore cate and bishop

The cate that France abounds with its and bishop are famed at the world, Straightforward of Boerduo, champagne, suddenlyAnd other places is famous bishop produces a division. In addition, france still has a lot of cate to be worth to try, wait like French big eat, cheese and desert. Local characteristic cate and bishop culture are explored in different area, also be one of window of French travel.

The history and artistic glamour

Have the state of long history as, france was full of historic site and artistic breath. VisitMichelle hill of Fan Ersai palace, Lu float palace, emperorAnd other places, can experience French history and artistic glamour. And, french each district often still conducts activity of of all kinds culture, let tourist close quarters experience culture details of France.


Travel glamour of France depends on its rich tourist attraction and rich and generous culture details not just, more atmosphere and individual way of life are overflowed in Yu Jilang. If you want to experience romance and passion, exploration history culture is vestigial, enjoy cate and wine, so France is you absolutely not 2 choices.

Thank you to read the article, hope the article plans France to travel to be helped somewhat to you.
