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The owner of a dog stolen at knifepoint has received a prank message saying her dog would be beheaded unless she paid 1,000 pounds. 有个狗主人收到一条恶作剧信息,说她如果不付1000英镑,她的狗就会被杀死。 Cathryn Hussain said her Christmas had been "a wash out" of "sick" prank calls about her dog. 凯瑟琳·侯赛因说她的圣诞节已经被那些关于她的狗的恶作剧电话毁掉了。 Five days before Christmas, Waffle, a six-month-old labradoodle, was stolen in St Austell while owner Cathryn took him for a walk in the Belmont road area. 圣诞节前5天,一只6个月大的拉布拉多贵宾犬华夫在圣奥斯特尔被盗,当时它的主人Cathryn正带着它在贝尔蒙特地区散步。 Cathryn said she was approached by a male holding what she believed to be a knife. The suspect was wearing a black, hooded top and scarf and spoke with a foreign accent. Sergeant Steve White from Devon and Cornwall Police said: 凯瑟琳说,当时有一名男子走近她,手里拿着一把像是刀的东西。嫌疑犯穿着黑色连帽上衣,围着围巾,说话带有外国口音。康沃尔郡的警官史蒂夫·怀特说: "The family of Waffle are very distraught and upset at the callous theft of their pet dog. Myself and all of the officers at the police station dealing with this crime also feel very sad for the family over what is a cruel and mean-spirited crime, especially during the Christmas period." Officers have been checking local CCTV and making enquiries into the theft of Waffle. “华夫一家对他们的宠物狗被无情地偷走感到非常心烦意乱。我本人和所有在警察局处理这起犯罪的警官也为这个家庭感到非常难过,尤其是在圣诞节期间,这是一起残忍而卑鄙的犯罪。”警方一直在查看当地的监控录像,并对宠物狗华夫失窃案进行调查。

Waffle still hasn't been found. Police are trawling through lots of CCTV and following up leads. We're all just a bit fed up of the prank calls that all seem to go through to my daughter's phone. We received a text from someone saying they wanted 1,000 pounds or Waffle would be beheaded. Police have traced the person who was a female and not from Cornwall. How dare someone use Waffle's disappearance to try and make money. 华夫仍然没有找到。警方正在大量的监控录像中搜寻线索。我们只是有点厌倦了恶作剧电话,这些电话似乎都打到我女儿的手机上。我们收到一条短信,有人说他们想要1000英镑否则就杀死华夫。警方已经追踪到这个人是一名女性,这个人并不是来自康沃尔郡。怎么有人忍心利用华夫的失踪来赚钱。 There was also another text from someone saying their ex stole my dog followed by another message saying they'd actually bought him. Christmas was difficult as I've got a five-year-old grandson so I had to force a smile for him. We haven't told him exactly what happened to Waffle yet. Christmas really was a washout and was extremely upsetting for us. We just want Waffle home and for things to go back to normal. – CATHRYN HUSSAIN 还有一条短信说她前男友偷了我的狗,然后又有一条短信说他们真的把狗买下来了。这个圣诞节很难过,我还有一个五岁的孙子,于是我不得不强迫他微笑。我们还没有告诉他华夫到底发生了什么。圣诞节对我们来说是真的是非常令人沮丧的。我们只是想让华夫饼回家,让一切恢复正常。——凯瑟琳·侯赛因
