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Beautiful type is lived in all the time with its classical, comfortable famed with vogue. No matter be classical American countryside style or contemporary beautiful type,decorate, show gave the way of life with individual American and aesthetic interest. In the article, the historical source that we discuss development beautiful type household to decorate, classical element and contemporary design, take you to appreciate the glamour that beautiful type lives in.

Beautiful type lives in historical general situation

Beautiful type household is decorated of long standing and well established, the European immigrant of 17 centuries takes traceable all sorts of adornment styles of the United States. As the elapse of time, beautiful type household formed his distinctive color gradually, and evolve ceaselessly mix shirt-sleeve. Arrive from first colony style later restore ancient ways nostalgic style, beautiful type household is changing ceaselessly all the time and innovate.

Classical beauty type lives in an element

In between two parties of home of classical beauty type, the metope that floor of the French window of the furniture that the element that we often can see includes to restore ancient ways, elegant decorative pattern carpet, large area, real wood, warm color moves and antique decoration. These elements highlighted the tradition that beautiful type lives in and the beauty that restore ancient ways, let a person as if in place oneself Yu Ningjing's sweet countryside compound.

Contemporary beauty type lives in a design

The change of the development as the society and people careful beautiful idea, design of household of contemporary beauty type also appears gave brand-new appearance. Household of contemporary beauty type is in inheritance is classical on elemental foundation, pay attention to more comfortable sex and practical. Contracted and easy furniture, fashionable adornment, muti_function space is designed, become the characteristic that for contemporary beauty type lives in.

Beautiful type household is one kind decorates a style not just, more represented a kind of lifestyle and affection pursuit. No matter be the style restoring ancient ways with classical pursuit, still like contemporary contracted design, beautiful type lives in what can satisfy you to decorate demand, make the home of a comfortable warmth for you.

Thank you to read the article, believe those who carry the article to read, you can understand the characteristic that beautiful type lives in and fascination better, the household that is you is decorated offer a few new inspiration and train of thought.

