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1. 盐城独特的海鲜小吃

  • 盐城的海鲜来源于盐城市所处的黄海、渤海和长江三角洲,其中最有名的当属河蟹和蛎黄。河蟹肉质鲜美,口感细腻,而盐城的蛎黄则鲜嫩爽口,具有独特的香味。
  • 盐城还有一种独特的传统小吃——蟹黄豆腐,选用当地新鲜的螃蟹,去壳挑出蟹黄,再加上当地的豆腐制成的菜品,鲜美可口。
2. 清香的河鲜美食
  • 漳河是盐城市的母亲河,也是盐城盛产淡水鱼的地方。盐城人会将新鲜的鱼煮成一锅浓汤,入口鲜美,清香扑鼻,赢得了众多美食家的喜爱。


1. 漳河农家乐

  • 这里主打当地的淡水鱼烹饪,以清淡鲜美见长,推荐尝试漳河西施鱼、八宝鸭舌等菜品。
2. 盐城委只老满馆火锅
  • 以老满为匠心,追求原汁原味,精选新鲜食材,为食客提供地道的盐城滩涂火锅。



The local characteristic cate of saline city

Saline city is located in Jiangsu to save a seaside, be located in area of economy of delta of the Yangtse River. The fresh water fish with the Zhang delicious river that saline city cate promotes with seafood and edge river is famed. Here is shirt-sleeve revive, rash, Anhui all sorts of cooking craft, formed oneself distinctive place local color, formed department of distinctive saline city dish. The local characteristic cate that city of a few salt cannot miss introduces for you below.

Saline city characteristic is fastfood

1.The seafood with saline picturesque town is fastfood

  • The seafood of saline city originates the Yellow Sea with saline located city, Bohai Sea and delta of the Yangtse River, among them the famousest should belong to river crab and Li to fizzle out. River crab flesh is qualitative delicious, mouthfeel is exquisite, and the Li Huang Zexian of saline city is tender tastily, have distinctive sweet smell.
  • Saline city still has a kind of distinctive tradition fastfood -- bean curd of the ovary and digestive glands of the crab, choose place's new crab, hull winkle the ovary and digestive glands of the crab, the food that makes plus local bean curd is tasted, delicious and goluptious.
2.The river bright cate of faint scent
  • Zhang river is the maternal river of saline city, also be the place that saline city teems with fresh water fish. Saline city person can boil fresh fish one boiler hoosh, the entrance is delicious, faint scent is tangy, won numerous epicure love.

Dining-room of characteristic of saline city place is recommended

1.Zhang river farmhouse is happy

  • Here advocate the culinary art of fresh water fish that makes place, with delicate and delicious be good at, recommend the dish such as tongue of duck of fish of Xi Shi of attempt Zhang river, eight treasures to taste.
2.Saline city appoint chaffy dish of only old full house
  • It is craftsmanship with Laoman, go after former juice raw ingredient, concentration is new feed capable person, the pan of Tu Huo of saline city beach that offers a tunnel for deadbeat.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, the travel that hopes these cate recommend the saline city that can be you increases a delicate memory.

