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The food of children is crucial to their health and development. In the process that grows in them, what good dietary convention can be them is healthy next dozen of solid bases, it is important to also wait for play to wear to system of cognitive ability, immunity at the same time action. Accordingly, make sure children obtains the diet with balanced nutrition to appear particularly important.

The importance of children food

Children is in grow the crucial phase of development, their body to vitamin, mineral the demand with protein is relative taller. Be the body that these nurture pledge ability assures them and cerebra can get sufficient development and support. In addition, the dietary habit of children period nurturance also can produce far-reaching effect to the following life, because this is adjusted in time,with guidance their food is used to crucial.

The principle with balanced nutrition

Ensure children obtains nutrition balanced diet is not complex, the key depends on diversification and right amount. Prandial need includesProtein, Carbohydrate, Adipose, VitaminAndMineralWait for all sorts of nutrition composition. When the parent is choosing food for the child, should assure alimental diversity as far as possible, for instance right amount add vegetable fruit and egg kind wait for the intake that feeds capable person, in order to satisfy the child's overall nutrition demand.

In food " three little "

According to professional medicine research, in children food " three little " the principle is having main effect to making sure what nutrition absorbs is balanced. Specific for, should eat moreFruit, VegetableAndComplete corn, eat lessOily salt sugarWith purificatory food. This one principle can help the parent choose to feed capable person better, the nutrition that makes sure children is obtained thereby is more comprehensive and balanced.

Reasonable dietary construction

To children, reasonable dietary construction also is very important. In 3 eat, breakfast is the mainest meal, learn and grow what because enough nurture is qualitative,can be the child one day the energy that provides place to need. Accordingly, the parent should prepare the breakfast with rich nutrition for the child, for instance bread of milk, egg, whole wheat. In addition, eat hind does not let child snack immediately, lest affect,prandial assimilation is mixed absorb. Additional, add the snacks such as the fruit that a few health also can offer when eat or nut.

The note of children food

Besides noticing prandial diversity and balanced sex, when the parent is arranging food for the child, still need to note alimental security and wholesome problem. Should avoid the food with child too fat or hot edible, strict control alimental is fresh at the same time spend and wholesome circumstance. In addition, the parent notices whether the child has special dietary preference or allergic reaction even, adjust cookbook in time, avoid to cause undesirable effect to the child.


The food of children health is element of a many sided the result of joint action. When the parent is arranging food for the child, what should pay attention to nutrition already is comprehensive and balanced, also want to notice alimental diversity and security. Had done sufficient preparation and work in these respects only, ability grows for the child's health provide better safeguard.

Thank you to read the article, the hope carries this article, can help the parent understand the importance of children health food better, the health that is the child grows offer more scientific, more reasonable food to coach.
