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  • 早餐:新鲜水果、全麦面包、鸡蛋、牛奶
  • 午餐:瘦肉、蔬菜沙拉、糙米饭、豆腐汤
  • 下午茶:酸奶、坚果
  • 晚餐:鱼肉、蔬菜炒菜、面条、豆浆




  • 给孩子树立健康饮食的榜样
  • 让孩子参与食物的选择和准备过程
  • 多样化的食物尝试
  • 鼓励孩子慢慢咀嚼食物,细细品味
  • 避免让孩子把饮食和惩罚联系在一起




Why is children health food very important?

The child's health and grow cannot leave good food. The diet with balanced nutrition is opposite not only the growth of children development and immune system are good, also have positive effect to cognitive ability and mood stability. Accordingly, the food that parents need to pay close attention to the child is tie-in, ensure they absorb enough nutrient material.

The nurture of the need in children food is qualitative

The child is growing in development process, need absorbs a variety of nutrition material, includeProtein, Carbohydrate, Adipose, VitaminAndMineralEtc. These nurture pledge to the body the development of each systems and function are having main effect.

The children food diet with balanced nutrition

Provide the food with balanced nutrition to give the child, the parent can consult the following cookbook suggests:

  • Breakfast: Bread of fresh fruit, whole wheat, egg, milk
  • Lunch: Soup of meal of lean lean, vegetable salad, unpolished rice, bean curd
  • Afternoon tea: Yoghurt, nut
  • Dinner: Cruelly oppress, vegetable fried dish, noodle, soya-bean milk

In addition, the parent still can be mixed according to the child's be fond of nutrient demand undertakes individuation is adjusted, ensure the child can absorb a variety of nutrition material everyday.

How to develop the dietary habit of child health?

The guiding of the parent of dietary habit need that fosters child health and set an example. The parent can pass the following means to promote the food with child good nurturance to be used to:

  • Establish the model of healthy diet to the child
  • Let the child participate in alimental choice and preparative process
  • The food of diversification tries
  • Encourage the child to chew slowly food, fine fine savour
  • Avoid to let the child contact food and penalty together

Carry above kind, the child is used to the food with easier good nurturance, establish healthy life style as a child.

Thank you to read the article, hope the proposal of these nutrient food can help you provide more healthy way of life for the child.

