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- 洗澡: 用图解的方式展示洗澡的步骤以及需要的用具,让父母更清晰地了解洗澡的注意事项和技巧。

- 喂养: 通过图解展示婴儿喂养的姿势和方式,帮助父母正确地进行喂养,避免不正确的喂养姿势带来的问题。



- 家规: 用图解方式展示家庭规则,让孩子更容易理解家中的规矩,并且明白规矩的重要性。

- 行为规范: 通过图解方式展示良好的行为习惯和礼仪,引导孩子养成良好的行为习惯。



- 科学知识: 以图解形式展示科学知识和实验步骤,让孩子在实践中理解科学知识。

- 逻辑思维: 通过图解逻辑谜题和问题,锻炼孩子的逻辑思维能力和解决问题的能力。






Domestic Yo it is the focus that parents pay close attention to all the time. How working busily, offer the child adequate care and education? If why help the child grow with graphic means,we will be discussed today, let domestic Yo become more relaxed and interesting.

Graphic family Yo meaning

Domestic Yo it is the inevitable choice in child growing process not just, it is one kind can offer the way of more study resource and means for the child more. Graphic family Yo, adopt the way that the vision changes, can draw the child's attention better, let them acquire more knowledge in relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

Graphic darling nurses

For the novice to just doing father and mother, of darling nursing is a brand-new challenge. And graphic means is OK will complex nurse measure becomes simple understand easily, let what parents masters darling better nurse point, accomplish ground of in an orderly way to take care of darling thereby.

-Bathe: Reveal the appliance of the measure that bathe and need with graphic means, let parents understand the note that bathe and skill more clearly.

-Feed: Pass graphic the pose that reveals infantile feed and means, help parents has raise correctly, avoid the issue that incorrect feed pose brings.

Graphic family is taught

Domestic education is the child the crucial one annulus in growing. Present method of standard of a compasses, behavior, study to wait through graphic means, can make the child easier understand and abide by, grow for theirs lay good foundation.

-Domestic compasses: Reveal domestic regulation with graphic means, make the child easier understand a medium rule, and understand the importance of custom.

-Behavior standard: Reveal good deed through graphic means habit and formal, guide the behavior convention with child good nurturance.

Graphic education is inspired

Graphic means not just of the intellectual skill of tradition of bureau be confined to impart, also can use at arousing the child's creativity and logistic thinking ability.

-Scientific knowledge: Show scientific knowledge and experimental move with graphic form, let the child understand scientific knowledge in practice.

-Logistic thinking: Carry graphic and logistic enigma and problem, exercise logistic thinking ability of the child and the ability that solve a problem.


Carry graphic kind, domestic Yo become more vivid and interesting, children are more recipient also with understanding. In the times of this information explosion, graphic family Yo gave parents a kind of brand-new education way undoubtedly. Expect parents can be in graphic family Yo more fun and help discover in the method, make child health grows, thrive.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can be in for you through the article domestic Yo the respect brings a few helps.

